Thursday, August 07, 2008

San Fran Updates

Unfortunately not from me... since I didn't go...! but if you want to see some pics then Sara Hantz, Nalini Singh and Shelley Munro have posted some great ones. Definitely looks like a great time was had by all!

My first round of edits are done and dusted, and my editor says she is looking forward to reading them! That gave me a bit of a thrill. I should really be getting on with something else but all I can think about is the NZ conference next week and meeting up with everyone again. I'm also wondering whether or not Customs will stop me again. I don't think I look especially suspicious, but apparently I do!!


Kaye Manro said...

Good luck at the conference. Have a productive and fun time, Christina. Here's hoping customs leaves an non-suspicious romance writer like you alone!

Thanks for sharing the links that let others share the RWA happening.

Glad the revisions are finished on your story. Keep us posted.

Christina Phillips said...

I'm glad you enjoyed the links, Kaye, I love being able to put faces to names!

Helen Hardt said...

Congratulations on getting your first round of edits done! It's a good feeling, isn't it? Can't wait for your story! I'm adding your blog to my blog list, hon.


Christina Phillips said...

Thanks, Helen! And yes, it's a great feeling to have the first round of edits finished!