Friday, August 29, 2008

Starquest - Hywela Lyn

I'm thrilled to welcome fellow Wild Rose Press author, Hywela Lyn, who has bravely agreed to answer my hard hitting interview questions!! Lyn's novel, Starquest, is being released today, Friday 29th August 2008, from The Wild Rose Press.
Lyn, over to you!

Thanks for inviting me, Christina. I'm really happy to be here, as well as being very excited about the release of my futuristic romance, 'Starquest'.

Can you tell us a little about your book, Starquest?

It's the story of a young woman's search for the man she loves. She has partially lost her memory and all she knows is that he is the second in command of a starship called 'The Destiny'. She has several adventures along the way, on strange and alien planets. Friendships are formed, sacrifices are made and before she finds her HEA she nearly loses everything before realising what she was searching for was closer than she suspected. I recently made a trailer which is up on my website and gives a 'flavour' of the story.
How did the idea for the plot come about?

It started as a short story. There was a certain actor I really fancied, and being keen on science fiction and fantasy, I set him aboard a starship and created a heroine for him to love. However. I grew even fonder of my heroine than I did of him, and at the end of the short story I knew there was more - much more. So I just kept on writing.

I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?

I had several short stories published over the years and didn't do much with 'Starquest', other than give it to some friends to read. I actually put the original MS away in a drawer for several years, while I dealt with a personal tragedy, a move, three horses and a dog as well as a full time job. Then a few years ago, when I had married Dave and moved from Wales to England, my sister asked me if I would look after her house, dogs and horses in a remote and beautiful part of Wales, while she was in Canada for a month. Of course I jumped at the chance to go back to my beloved homeland. Leaving my long suffering husband, Dave to look after my own horses, my dog and I headed for Wales. I took Starquest along on disc and while I was there, completely revamped it. After finding a wonderful Scot to be my crit partner (we corresponded by email, but I did meet him and his wife when we visited Scotland) I sent it off to several British agents with no success. One evening, by chance, I saw the Wild Rose Press mentioned on one of the Writing Groups I belong to. I sent off an enquiry and was thrilled to be asked for a partial, and then the full. After several months, I had to go into hospital for an operation on my hip. The day I came out of hospital, Dave said there was an email from the Wild Rose Press. I couldn 't get to the computer physically, and he made me wait while he downloaded the whole document and printed it out. I didn't even know it was a Contract until he gave it to me to read! What a coming home present!
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)

I don't watch much TV these days (I spend all my time on the pc). I've just read the 'Earthsea' series by Ursula Le Guin. Although it's not strictly speaking romance, it's a wonderful fantasy series and eventually the two main characters find each other again and realise their feelings for each other, even though it's a little late in life. I think my favourite romance of all time has to be 'Gone With The Wind', both the book and the movie. I love historical America and Westerns, I think it was such a romantic period of history. I read a wide variety of novels and love anything in the distant past or the far future. I'm not really one for contemporary stories, unless they're very well done. I don't really feel this century is a very romantic one although there are many wonderful authors out there who seem to be able to find romance in the most unlikely places. For me the setting and background need to be romantic too, either unspoilt landscapes or the beauty of space and the stars. I love a hero who is strong but gently - and a heroine who is also strong but feminine. I don't like heroes who are bullies or heroines who are so independent they have lost all their femininity. I like a heroine to be self-sufficient but to be able to ask for help when it's needed. I love that moment when the h and h realise they are more than just 'friends'.

What are you working on now?
I'm just starting work on the edits for the sequel to 'Starquest' 'Children Of The Mist'. I'm also mulling over a second story for the Wild Rose Press's 'Song Of The Muses' series and toying with an idea for a third story in the 'Starquest' series, although that's pretty tentative at the moment.

How can readers keep up with your writing and books?

I have a website: and a Blog:

I also have a My Space

I have a 'Starquest' My Space for my heroine:

and one for the heroine of 'Dancing With Fate' my story in the muse series:

I also have several Author Pages, including one at the Polka Dot Banner :

My Blog and the My Spaces can also be reached from my website.

Thanks so much

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hostage to Pleasure

Hooray! The 5th full length entry in Nalini Singh's Psy/Changeling world is due to hit the shelves on September 2nd and Nalini's holding a fun contest on her blog all about being a hostage to pleasure with a great prize up for grabs (unfortunately the prize doesn't happen to be Lucas or Vaughn or Judd or Clay... but a girl can dream...!) So hop on over and enter!

Friday, August 22, 2008

RWNZ Conference 2008 Part Two

I though I'd post a few more photos from the conference. Here are three of the witches, Amanda, me and Sara, in our Saturday night finery.

One of the tea breaks where I consumed far too many yummy scones and cream than was good for me.

Amanda chatting to Jenny Hatton, assistant editor at Mills and Boon.

Here I am up on stage collecting my certificate for the Meet the Editor contest. From l-r Pam, Bron, Toni, Cindy Hwang (senior editor at Berkley) me and Anne Gracie, Prez of the RWAustralia who collected certificates for Aussie finalists could couldn't attend, and MC-ing was Tessa Radley. Ellie can just be seen standing off stage.

Cindy's feedback on my entry was priceless, and gave me a lot to think about!

Anyway back to reality! I've sent my revisions off to the witches for their input. I've also joined the Clayton's Conference for those not attending the Melbourne conf this weekend, run by the dynamic duo Sandie and RC. I don't know where they get their energy from but I wouldn't mind some of it!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

We Have Cover!!!

While I was playing away at conference (I mean working hard at conference) my editor and cover artist, the fabulous Angela Anderson, created the most amazing cover for my book. It's dark and sexy and has the gothic feel I wanted. And just look at that brooding hero! OMG. I'm so in love with it. So are my two daughters and if it comes to that my husband is smitten too! Although I think he's probably more interested in the heroine but that's fine by me, as so far he's printed out three copies of the cover (one for me, one each for our girls) and used up all his coloured ink in the process. And didn't even mind!!!
I'd love to know what you think!
In other news I've also received my second round of edits so will be diving into them today. My editor hopes it won't be too long before details of Foretaste of Forever are up on TWRP website. Squeeeee!!! I've had so much excitement this week it's probably illegal!!

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

RWNZ Conference 2008

I remembered to take photos! Hooray!

Sara Hantz, Amanda Ashby and me, three of the witches (although fourth witch Pat was with us in spirit!) This was taken on Friday during tea break. The Friday all day workshop with Margie Lawson was phenomenal. Margie used to teach psychology and communication courses at post-graduate level, and her workshop showed us how to add power to our words by using fresh writing to evoke an instinctive and emotional response in the reader. If you ever have the chance to attend one of Margie's workshops - do it!!!! I had so many lightbulb moments during her workshop I sizzled.

Here I am with Giovanna Lee and Sara, all glammed up for the Saturday night Awards Dinner. The theme was Moonlight and Midnight and although it doesn't show in the photo, we all had silver glitter in our hair!

Ellie Huse, NZ contest co ordinator extraordinare!

Friday Night Cocktails with Mills and Boon fab author, Susan Napier. Yes I am holding two glasses of wine and no, they are not both mine!!! (I apologise for not being chronological about this, but blogger is a bugger for posting photos)

Here I am hanging out with the lovely Nalini Singh at the Harlequin Cocktail bash. Just one glass of wine this time.

Here are the London Chickies!!! Talking to the gorgeous Rachel Collins was just like talking to my mates back in sunny Croydon!

This was after the Saturday Awards dinner. I think I might have been sliding off my chair by this time, but the lovely Barb Jeffcott Geris gamely kept me propped upright for the photo!!

Amanda, Sara, Margie Lawson and yours truly.

Three of the Meet the Editor finalists - Toni, me and Pam. Thank you Suzanne Perazzini for taking the photo!

Carolyn, Sandy and multi-pubbed author and editor at The Wild Rose Press (not my editor though!) Cheryl Wright. Aka The Aussie Quartet (minus one - I was taking the photo). We did grab hold of an innocent bystander to take another one of all of us together (and yes funny you should ask he did so happen to be young and male... and appeared a bit terrified as we yelled and beckoned him over!) But I decided to go for this one as I looked well past my sell by date in the other. This was Sunday night after the conference had finished, and almost everyone had gone home. We had dinner and a great chinwag. It was fantastic, and a brilliant way to end an amazing weekend.

I arrived home late Monday night, and didn't check my mail until Tuesday. And I have the most exciting news to share!!! And I'm going to share it tomorrow!!!

Monday, August 11, 2008

Countdown...Two Days

Only two days to go until I'm on my way to New Zealand! There's only one direct flight a day from WA to NZ which is the reason why I'm landing in Auckland at the ungodly hour of 5.45am Thursday morning. Urgh. I really hope the hotel has our room ready early for me, since all I'll want to do when I arrive is collapse!

Just to make things more interesting, daughter #2 was ill with tonsilitis last week. Being a good kind mama, I told her to keep away from me as I didn't want to catch her germs. heh heh. She retaliated by passing it onto her brother. So I now have my son off school with tonsilitis and another associated throat infection, both offspring on antibiotics and I, of course, feel like my eyes are filled with scratching insects and my head is throbbing. If that's not enough, eldest child is moving out tomorrow and is not best pleased that I won't be around for the rest of the week to help her move into her new place. Yes, it's all happening this week, and did I mention my husband decided to rip out the family bathroom? The house looks like a train wreck!!!

Thursday, August 07, 2008

San Fran Updates

Unfortunately not from me... since I didn't go...! but if you want to see some pics then Sara Hantz, Nalini Singh and Shelley Munro have posted some great ones. Definitely looks like a great time was had by all!

My first round of edits are done and dusted, and my editor says she is looking forward to reading them! That gave me a bit of a thrill. I should really be getting on with something else but all I can think about is the NZ conference next week and meeting up with everyone again. I'm also wondering whether or not Customs will stop me again. I don't think I look especially suspicious, but apparently I do!!

Sunday, August 03, 2008

Good News & Scarlet Rose Editors

There's been soooo much good news coming from San Fran over the weekend, it's making me more jealous than ever that I couldn't make it this year! First of all EC and Berkley author Denise Rossetti won the Passionate Plume Futuristic/Fantasy/SF award for Tailspin and the lovely Anna Campbell won Best long historical for the Booksellers Best Awards with her dark Regency Claiming the Courtesan. Aussie Catherine got The Call face to face from Kathleen Scheibling, editor of Harlequin American Romance, and then NZer Sandra received The Call at 7am in her hotel room from Melissa Jeglinski, editor of Silhouette Desire. I foresee much partying at the NZ conference in celebrations!!!

I also want to give a shout out to fellow Wild Rose Press author Maggie Toussaint. Her novel, House of Lies, won the Best Romantic Suspense for the Readers Choice Awards. She was in the most excellent company, and finalled alongside Roxanne St Claire. Well done Maggie!!!

For anyone interested in how editors' minds work, there's a great interview over at The Wild Rose Press with the Scarlet Rose editors from the erotic romance line. You can catch their words of wisdom here.