Tuesday, August 19, 2008

RWNZ Conference 2008

I remembered to take photos! Hooray!

Sara Hantz, Amanda Ashby and me, three of the witches (although fourth witch Pat was with us in spirit!) This was taken on Friday during tea break. The Friday all day workshop with Margie Lawson was phenomenal. Margie used to teach psychology and communication courses at post-graduate level, and her workshop showed us how to add power to our words by using fresh writing to evoke an instinctive and emotional response in the reader. If you ever have the chance to attend one of Margie's workshops - do it!!!! I had so many lightbulb moments during her workshop I sizzled.

Here I am with Giovanna Lee and Sara, all glammed up for the Saturday night Awards Dinner. The theme was Moonlight and Midnight and although it doesn't show in the photo, we all had silver glitter in our hair!

Ellie Huse, NZ contest co ordinator extraordinare!

Friday Night Cocktails with Mills and Boon fab author, Susan Napier. Yes I am holding two glasses of wine and no, they are not both mine!!! (I apologise for not being chronological about this, but blogger is a bugger for posting photos)

Here I am hanging out with the lovely Nalini Singh at the Harlequin Cocktail bash. Just one glass of wine this time.

Here are the London Chickies!!! Talking to the gorgeous Rachel Collins was just like talking to my mates back in sunny Croydon!

This was after the Saturday Awards dinner. I think I might have been sliding off my chair by this time, but the lovely Barb Jeffcott Geris gamely kept me propped upright for the photo!!

Amanda, Sara, Margie Lawson and yours truly.

Three of the Meet the Editor finalists - Toni, me and Pam. Thank you Suzanne Perazzini for taking the photo!

Carolyn, Sandy and multi-pubbed author and editor at The Wild Rose Press (not my editor though!) Cheryl Wright. Aka The Aussie Quartet (minus one - I was taking the photo). We did grab hold of an innocent bystander to take another one of all of us together (and yes funny you should ask he did so happen to be young and male... and appeared a bit terrified as we yelled and beckoned him over!) But I decided to go for this one as I looked well past my sell by date in the other. This was Sunday night after the conference had finished, and almost everyone had gone home. We had dinner and a great chinwag. It was fantastic, and a brilliant way to end an amazing weekend.

I arrived home late Monday night, and didn't check my mail until Tuesday. And I have the most exciting news to share!!! And I'm going to share it tomorrow!!!


Pat Posner said...

Oh, wow, everything sounds and looks a-m-aaaa-zing!
Of course, as I was there in spirit, I knew how amazing it all was (grin).
And I want the next news. You are such a tease!


Rachael Johns said...

Christina that is just too mean... how can you enthral me with all those photos and then leave on such a hook. Guess that's good writing for you!

I'll be back tomorrow...

Anonymous said...

Great photos, Christina. It was wonderful to see you again. I can't wait to hear your news!

Sara Hantz said...

Hey, you have some amazing photos.... mine were pretty thin on the ground but I will post them soon.

Helen Hardt said...

Christina, it sounds like you had a marvelous time! And I'm so glad you got to attend Margie's workshop. She's actually a chaptermate of mine. Her "Empowering Characters' Emotions" is amazing. Can't wait to hear your news tomorrow!


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Hi Christina,
Thanks for sharing your photos.. Looks like you did indeed have a great time...

And now for the other news... I am guessing you have another contract??? hmm... Geeish post it up girl. eheheh


Anonymous said...

Thanks for the posting the photos. Looks like you had a great time. And what's with this news? You are such a tease.

Christina Phillips said...

Sorry about the little teaser, I couldn't resist though!!!

Helen, Empowering Characters' Emotions was the workshop we had on the Friday and it was absolutely incredible. Margie is such a lovely person as well!

Amanda Ashby said...

Um, why do I look so huge next to you and Sara??????????????

Christina Phillips said...

Amanda are you using a Rhetorical Question there?!!

Robyn Grady said...

Ooh I loved the photos! Reminded me to take my camera with me tomorrow.

Robbie x

Kaye Manro said...

I wondered when you would share all this great stuff! Glad you're back and I know what the secret is... Cause this is the next day! lol

Barrie said...

Love the photos. How good of you to share.