So when They-With-the-Power resurrected the Doctor I was stoked, and faithfully watched the first series with Christopher Eccleston.
As series three progressed, something extraordinary began to happen. It was so shocking it took me another several weeks before I quite realised what was happening. I fancied Dr Who!!!
Once this hit me I realised that David Tennant is, in fact, excessively hot and couldn't believe how I hadn't noticed before. I think it's all to do with the Doctors from the past because while he's always had hot assistants, I can't think of any Doctor in the past that ever did it for me... humm!
Final episode tonight and then I'll be going into withdrawal... although there's always the boxed set of DVDs which, now I think about it, can be classified as perfect hero research material...
I also watched Dr Who from behind the sofa and I definitely never looked aliens in the eye for fear that someone would say 'contact has been made'. But even though I tried to get into the new Dr (s) it just hasn't happened and now I fear it's too late. Then again, it's a proven fact that I'm a Very Slow Learner, so there is still I hope I suppose!
I know what you mean as I tried to get into Torchwood, but the first few episodes weren't gelling for me - however, I was determined to perservere! And then they went and put it on at some ridiculous hour which I always miss. GAH!
But oh. Final epi of Dr Who last night. Poor Captain Jack!!!
Yep, those daleks made me into a scaredy cat for a long time. That makes three of us behind the sofa. I haven't watched the newer Doctor Who, mainly cause it always seems to clash with something else on another channel.
Have you watched Firefly, Christina? I purchased the DVD's with some Christmas money. Hubby wasn't impressed until we started watching. During the New Year we were glued to our set each night watching the next episode. That has it all - hunks, sci-fi plots, strong warrir chicks, humor. Hmm, must haul the DVDs out again and rewatch them!
Ooy, that would be "warrior" chicks!
Shelley, your hubby reminds me of mine!! I never did get to watch Firefly when it was on the tv - and when I suggested we go watch Serenity at the movies, the word 'rubbish' passed my dh's lips... humm. About a month ago, quite oblivious, he bought the Serenity DVD. Can we say Fan For Life?? he's watched it at least a dozen times so far and I can't see him stopping any time soon!
Not that I'm complaining. I mean, Nathan Fillion, anyone...?
LOL - men make me laugh.
David Tennant is gorgeous. Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous.
He's the hero of my next release. Sigh.
OMG Julie. YUM. Can't wait to read that book!!
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