Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Release Date!!!

It's official! I heard today from my wonderful editor, Angela Anderson, that my paranormal Scarlet Rosette from The Wild Rose Press Foretaste of Forever has a Digital Release Date of October 24th 2008!

So it will be a Halloween release, and I'm thrilled to bits by that, since this story is a dark erotic romance between a beautiful witch and her deeply tortured lover.
Elyesha, last surviving descendant of a line of powerful witches, finally finds the only man she's ever loved, the man who deserted her countless years before. But Ben is torn between desire and despair when Elyesha eventually penetrates his protective retreat. He knows what she wants, but the price for their love is too high. At midnight, on the beach, a battle of wills and erotic seduction ensues as each confronts the other's darkest fears.
Adult rated excerpt here


Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Congratulations Christina,
Sounds so sensual and sexy..

You will be on a running high for the next few days... wow, and October 24th is not that far away..

All the best

Rachael Johns said...

Wohoo Christina - that's not long at all! If only I could find myself a whizz bang new e-reader. I hate reading on my computer screen!

Amanda Ashby said...

Woot - only one month to go. The countdown is on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Christina Phillips said...

Suz, Rach and Amanda - it's not long at all!! I can't quite get my head around it and I'm so excited I feel completely sick!!

Anonymous said...

How exciting! Not so far away now...

Pat Posner said...

Thirty-one days until we

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Just wondering what the party consists of.

Eleni Konstantine said...

Yay Christina - congratulations on getting your release date. Just a month away - how very exciting for you!
E :)

Christina Phillips said...

Sussan, thanks! Barely a month!!

Yay Pat!! Can't wait to party!!

Suz, bring your fave fantasy squeeze. It works for me!!

Thanks so much Eleni!! I'm pretty excited!!

Susan Macatee said...

Sizzling excerpt, Christina!
Best of luck with the release!

Anonymous said...

YAY for the release date
would have been funnier if the release date was 23rd oct hehe

it'll flash by b4 u know it..!

love love and proud smooooches
charlotte xxxx

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks so much for the good wishes, Susan!!

Hey Charlotte fancy seeing you here!!! Thanks for the smooches xoxo

Shelley Munro said...

Woohoo! that's awesome. Not long to wait now.

Kiki said...

What a gorgeous cover, and what a great blurb!

And could you have a more fitting release date??

Celebrate pre-release month, it's the best kind of anticipation.
Are you going to have a cyber launch-party?

Anonymous said...

Release date!
Hunting around on the desk for the diary. Damn! Where'd that thing go?

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks Shelley! It's not long at all... kind of scary really!!

Hey Kiki, thanks so much! And I hadn't thought of having a cyber launch party - it's all happened so fast, it's not left me with much time to organise anything. Great idea, I'll see what I can come up with!

Hi RC! I'm always losing my diary... lol!

Kaye Manro said...

Congratulations!! I'm so glad it's a Hallowween release!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks for the congratulations, Kaye! You were right about the Halloween release date!

Helen Hardt said...

Hey, hon, I thought I left you a comment yesterday but it's not here... Lost in cyberspace. Anyway, major congrats, and I can't wait to read it!!!


Kaye Manro said...

For some reason I had the 28th for release date for FOF on my blog-- sorry about that. It's fixed now and says the right date of October 24th!

Barrie said...

How very exciting!!!

Sara Hantz said...


Christina Phillips said...

Thanks so much, ladies!

Alisha said...

I just read the excerpt and now I'm fanning myself...whew!!! Ooooh la laaaaaa and the heroine's name is very close to the pronunciation of mine so...uh, my mind was really wandering!Congrats on your upcoming release! This is so exciting and what a stunning cover! I can't wait to read it all!

Christina Phillips said...

Alisha I did giggle at the similarity of your names!! I rarely come across my name in romances, but I can imagine it could feel a bit... funny... hehehe!! And thanks so much for the good wishes!

Anonymous said...


and um...i read the excerpt and um as good as it sounds (it really sounds good) i dont think as your my mother im going to be able to read it in detail lol congrats tho!


Christina Phillips said...

Well I'm impressed you read the excerpt, Vicki!!! And I'm really thrilled you enjoyed what you did read *grins*

Mon Wood said...

I read the excerpt. Phwoar, it's hot! It sounds fantastic. I like! I like! Congrats again :-) Monique

Christina Phillips said...

Hey Monique! Thanks for stopping by, and for reading my excerpt!

Devon Gray said...

How exciting! I can't wait to read it.
