Wednesday, June 18, 2008

18th June 2008

Today has been a Very Good Day!!!

First of all, it's my 25th wedding anniversary. Aside from the fact it's impossible I've been married for 25 years (seeing how I am only 29!) I can't believe it was a quarter of a century ago we actually got married! Doesn't time fly when you're having fun!

Then I received some very exciting writing related news which was a lovely pressie to wake up to today of all days (more about that later!) and then this evening TWRP uploaded my author page on their site! Check it out here!


Eleni Konstantine said...

Congrats on your 25th wedding anniversary!! that's quite an achievement. I'm floored - I thought you were 29!!

and congrats on the author page on The Wild Rose Press site. Lovely.

Amanda Ashby said...

June has turned out to be a pretty amazing month for you (and your lovely hubby of course!!!!!). And somehow I think that July and August are going to be even better!!!!

Christina Phillips said...

heheh Eleni - thank you for that!!! That made my day and made me giggle!!!

Amanda, June has been incredible!! I'm not sure I can take much more excitement this month!!

Shelley Munro said...

Happy anniversary. Hubby and I celebrated our 25th last year. I've no idea where all the years went! I think we're of a similar age. ;)

Christina Phillips said...

Shelley, in that case we can celebrate our 30th birthdays next year in Wellington!!!

Rachael Blair said...

If you can't take much more excitement, feel free to pass some of your successful vibes onto me!!!

Oh and Happy Anniversary!

Anonymous said...

Yea! On seeing your there on The Wild Rose Press! Isn't it great?

Hope you and hubby had a fab 25th.

Cathryn Hein said...

Best wishes on your 25th wedding anniversary, Christina.

And I think I know what your exciting writing news was. Congratulations!!


Christina Phillips said...

Thanks for the kind wishes Rach, Kaye and Cathryn.

Cathryn, I know you know! And congrats to you too!!

Anonymous said...

Happy belated 25th wedding anniversary! And congrats too on finaling in the RWNZ's Meet the Editor contest :-).

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks Sussan! And thanks for your help on the pages, too!!