Saturday, April 26, 2008


Well, I posted off my form for the RWA Roadshow which is coming to Perth next month, so am pretty excited about that. The other thing I'm pretty excited about is the strong possibility I'm going to the RWNZ conference in August! My husband truly is a saint.

So, only another four months until I get together again with Amanda and Sara and we can get happily plastered *ahem* I mean do plenty of brainstorming. It will also be great to see all the other ladies I briefly met last year. Hopefully this year I won't be so brain dead and will actually remember to take lots of photos of everyone!


Sandie Hudson said...

Hi Christina

I've been blog hopping the last couple of days. I’ve been so bad, no writing, no editing, with miles of both to do. Not to worry I'll get to it all again on Tuesday.

Glad you're looking forward to your NZ trip. But August won't it be cold? Like very cold over there. Oh put then you can always find something to drink to warm you up.

Are you doing '50ks In 30 Days' with us? I can't remember if I saw your name on the list. I'm doing 'Write a Novella in a Month' in May. Hoping that will warm me up for June. I'm such a sucker for challenges. If you haven't signed up for June please think about it, we have about 35 or 40 people signed up so far. It should be great fun.

Hope you have a great weekend. I'll have to make more of an effort to drop by more often. I'm so slack at times.

Catch ya.


Christina Phillips said...

Hey Sandie! Yes it will be quite cold in August. Last year it rained the whole weekend!

Thanks for the heads up on 50ks in 30 Days - sounds just what I need. I'm off to sign up now!

Sandie Hudson said...

Hi Christina,

This is the link to the on line loop:

If you have a problem sent me an email at and either I'll sent you an invite or get Rachael Blair or Elaine to sent you one. It has been organised by Rach to start with then the rest of us just pitched in to help.

We also have a bolg.


Amanda Ashby said...

OMG - I think I love your husband more than you do! I'm so excited that you will (hehehe - power of positive thinking going on here!!) be coming to rwnz conference. I've just been reading the Margie Lawson interview in the newsletter and her workshop on friday is going to be insanely good!!!!

Barrie said...

Yes, yes, you must take lots of photos and post them. Have pity on those of us who aren't going. :)

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

How exciting. I cant wait for the RNA conference in July, they're such fun whilst being informative too.

Christina Phillips said...

Amanda, I know!! It's going to be fantstic especially if I can wrangle the extra night so I can attend the whole of the Sunday!!

Barrie I'm definitely going to take lots of photos this time. I always take my camera then end up forgetting to get it out of my bag!

Debs, the RNA conference in 2004 was my very first one, and it got me completely hooked!

Shelley Munro said...

That's great that you're coming over for the NZ conference. I'm going to miss meeting you this time, too since hubby and I won't get home until mid-Sept.

Christina Phillips said...

Oh no, Shelley! I was so looking forward to meeting you *for real* this year!!!

Maybe in Welly next year!

Sara Hantz said...

I can't begin to tell you how excited I am that you're coming to the conference again. I agree with Amanda, def love your husband..... and to think this all began after you left a comment on my blog.....

Christina Phillips said...

Sara, I'm sick with excitement - literally!!! Now I just have to work out which workshops I want to attend!!

Anonymous said...

Oh Christina, wish I could be there - Perth or NZ don't care :-(

Christina Phillips said...

Sussan, I wish you could too - it would be so much fun to meet up face to face!