A few years ago I was very adventrous and ordered a turkey stuffed with a chicken which in turn was supposed to be stuffed with some other type of poultry from the local butcher. It looked like a huge disgusting maggot and although it tasted very yummy I've never quite got over the trauma of that sight.
So now I get a frozen turkey from Woolworths, one that doesn't have legs but has lots of breasty bits (because none of us ever eat the legs but we all love the breast) and it's currently defrosting in the bottom of the fridge. Only three sleeps to go!!
And I just want to say what a lucky girl I am, because I won a prize the other day over at the fantastico Shelley's party bash! It's From the Deep anthology and I can't wait to dive in *ha ha!*
Myspace Graphics
I'm searching for lost family-members, Phillips-Hazlett, who lived in Pozo, California, in 1969. Siblings, step-siblings Christine, Carol (Phillips), Kelly Hazlett, three others. Contact at julian@tcsn.net or 805-461-5746. Another writer!!!
Julian Phillips (profile)
Writing experience includes, most recently, a production of my script, 'The Sunset Mechanic', with Forge Films in Virginia. My feature film script, 'Ex$pendable', finished a two-week production-shoot in October of 2007, in New Jersey, with a budget of $100,000. Also, the option and sale of my fourth feature script to Cinewerx Films in Munich, in 2006. In 2005 I had three other feature scripts under option. In 2006, my screenplay 'Pilofio and Elogia' was optioned by Hell's Kitchen Films for production in Costa Rica in 2007. Last year and also this year, I have written a series of 90 short children's books, which are being professionally illustrated and published in Belgium, along with two seasons of an animated cartoon series being developed by the same company. I have also done four half-hour audio-theater plays for Lion's Den Studios in Virginia, and an educational syllabus and CD for The Institute for Excellence in Writing. An exciting 50-minute stage-play was completed in 2005 for a successful Los Angeles stage and TV actor, and a documentary film-script of mine is currently being filmed in South Africa. Two of my short stage-plays were performed in San Francisco in 2006. This in addition to screen credit in the past on about 12 educational and travel films and videos, published fiction, and work as a print journalist. I have completed at least 10 feature scripts on spec. A more complete filmography and resume is available, as are more samples or references. Articles on my scripts appeared recently in Creative Screenwriting and Scr(i)pt magazines. I'd be very happy to discuss your needs for material on your projects, etc. Visit my website at http://www.tcsn.net/kuma for more information. IMDb credits are listed on that website under a search for the title, 'Crashing Cannes'.
Merry Christmas.
LOL Christina. You need to pack up your crew and come over here. My MIL would love a traditional dinner but we (her kids and partners) all put our collective feet down. We've been having BBQs for a few years now.
I hope you enjoy From the Deep. The stories get progressively hotter as you work through the anthology. I'm the naughty one at the end ;)
Merry Christmas and all the best for 2008.
Shelley, I'm thinking of putting my foot down - it was SOOO hot here yesterday. The only thing is I love turkey!!
And I'll make sure I have the air con on full blast when I read From the Deep LOL!!
We had turkey and all the trimings for the first time since moving to NZ - next year the kids want the same again because they preferred it from a bbq - though think we might opt for chicken rather than turkey!!!!
Sara, glad the children enjoyed your traditional turkey dinner!! I'm doing it all over again on New Year's Day (I must be barking!)
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