*~*~*~*~*~*~Possible Spoiler Alert!~*~*~*~*~*~*
It's a closely guarded secret, but I've a bit of thing going on with the whole BSG universe. Happily for me, the lovely Eleni is also a slight fan-girl on the quiet and has a fabulous
post on her blog - however if you haven't yet seen the final half of Series 4 then be warned there are spoilers ahead!!!
I think Series 4.5 is coming out on DVD round about 21st April. I don't know if that means it will also be available in Australia, I bloody hope so!!!
LOL, oh, us sci-fi girls and our loves...
LOL... I don't think I have ever watched this.
Ditto, Catherine. I haven't either, LOL. But I did see a few episodes of the old version way back when. I'm a Star Trek girl myself ;). Christina, if you and Kaye are fans, I may have to check it out!
Kaye, oh I know! I was so convinced the ending wouldn't satisfy me - how could it possibly?! - but thankfully I was proved totally and utterly wrong!!!
Catherine and Helen, you must definitely try to watch it!!! But you have to watch the mini series first otherwise series one won't make a lot of sense!!
Helen, I watched a few of the original episodes too. But... noooo! Although the original Apollo makes an appearance in the new series which is fun.
I also love Star Trek. And Farscape!
Hey, I'm only just starting to watch Buffy. I haven't even thought about BSG yet. :)
I'm sure I'd like it though. I love anything sci-fi.
I've heard so much about BSG, Christina, that I'll have to check it out. But I'm with you, Shelley, I'm just now getting around to Buffy...mmm, Spike! ;)
Argh - it's been so long since I've been over here - bad me! Anyway, my attempts at watching the last season aren't going so great and the last 2 episodes managed to record with no soud so I've now decided to just wait until the whole season is available and watch the way I like best - all in a row!!!!!!!
Oooh thanks for the plug Christina. Yeah, we are a little on the quiet side regarding our BSG fascination. Oh love Star Trek - roll on new movie, and Farscape - brilliant!! Best romance there between Crichton and Aeryn.
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