It's finally here! Friday 13th March 2009 which means Touch of the Demon hits the cyber shelves at The Wild Rose Press!
So, along with the glittery elephant, jelly and ice cream and hot cabana boys (what, you didn't think I'd forget the eye candy, did you?) I'm offering a free download of Touch of the Demon to one person who leaves a comment on this post during Friday 13th/Saturday 14th March.
As soon as Demon is up on The Wilder Roses page, I'll link directly to it.
Later today (Aussie and NZ time) I'm going to be roasted at The Book Roast where another copy of Demon will be up for grabs! All you have to do is pop on over and either answer the insanely cool question which will be posted, or just leave a comment!
Edited to Add: I'm now live at the Book Roast! Love to see you over there!!!
Plus - I'm now chatting about how I research my mythology for my stories over at Skhye Moncrief's blog! And another chance to win a copy of Demon!
In the meantime, I'll leave you with an excerpt:
“I’ll beg you for nothing.” It was a lie. If Celeste thought begging could get her anywhere, then she would already be on her knees before him. She kept that knowledge locked deep in her heart.
Rafe took a step toward her and her heart hammered in her breast. He was taller than any human she had known over the years. But then, he wasn’t human. Beneath the long leather coat he wore against the night’s chill air, his broad shoulders all but blotted out the rest of the world.
She sucked in a suddenly panicked breath, and his evocative scent of other worldly essences, meshed with hot, heavy male enveloped her. Against every principle she stood for, her nipples strained against the fabric of her bodice, peaking with desire and disgust and pure, animal heat.
A mocking smile twisted his full sensual lips. “I could make you beg, human.” His finger traced the outline of her face and she shuddered, hating the way she reacted and yet unable to help herself. “I might even listen to your pleas.” His smoky whisper shimmered along her senses, searing with words unsaid.
Edited: Woot! The link has just gone up on TWRP! Here it is!
Oh, and I just had to post this gorgeous glittery picture (yes I'm very fond of glittery things, in case you wondered!!!) Not only does she have the starlit hair of my heroine, but also her name! The picture is titled "Celeste in Water". It's got to be a Sign!!!
MySpace Glitters
Whoo Hoo! Love the glittery thingy.. lol.... Congratulations hope your having a great day.
HUGE congrats on the release of your new book!!!!!!!!!!!
Hope you have a fab party..... lead me to the wine and pineapple juice....
Thank you so much for the congratulations, Anonymous! Oh, who are you Anonymous?! I'd love to know!!!
Sara!!! You know I'm trying to bury that whole wine and pineapple episode!!! Here, let's open some cyber bubbly instead!
Thanks for everything, fab CP!!!
lol lol
Party time Eh? Just wondering if you're a member of the Blood Bank, does that mean you suck blood.. give blood, bleed blood, or drink blood...
Hey Christina!!!!!
Huge, huge congrats on your release day!!!!!
Can’t wait to get my copy!!!!!
Have a blast!!!!!
Anon (I know who you are now *evil grin*) Well, I just think the badge looked very cool!!! Not that I'm shallow in that way or anything!!
Yay - congratulations Christina!!!
Happy release day! Party time.
Thank you April, fellow Scarlet Rose! I hope you enjoy Rafe!! (I did...!)
Eleni! Thanks so much for joining in the fun! I do love a party!!
I guess I should say congratulations then and all the very best.
I'll be over on the roasting site within my time zone limit. lol..
All the best,
Thank you, Anon. I'll be calling you Anon from now on, you know that don't you?!
Hi Karen,
Hope you're enjoying your party. I have cheese and crackers here, and a glass of wine. Afterall it is Friday and your release another reason to celebrate.
Who is this Annon person, glad you know them :)
Yay - congrats on another release Christina! And thanks for a fabulous part-tay!!
Congratulations, Christina! Friday the 13th is definitely lucky for some! And here's to many more releases! Enjoy the party!!!
Congrats on the new release Christina! Enjoy the moment, Sami
Suz, yum! Food! Pull up a pew and let's enjoy the view!! Thanks for popping by!!
Hey Rach! Thanks for the congrats! Can't wait to catch up at the Roadshow!!
Hi Anna! I love Friday 13th!!! Especially this one!! Thanks for your congrats!!
Yay! Congratulations Christina. Luuurved the excerpt.
I shall have a glass of vino in your honour.
Not so sure how it'll go with tonight's curry, though....
Sami, thanks so much for the congrats!! I'm enjoying it so far *grin*
Hehehe, D! I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. Isn't vino and curry supposed to go together? Not that I know as I can't eat curry (but I make up for it with the wine!!!)
What? No curry?
Awwww, you poor, poor thing.
Don't worry, I'll have one of those on your behalf as well.
Have a lovely party!
No, I can't take anything too hot and spicy, unfortunately! I used to love a mild curry back in the day. Enjoy yours tonight!!
Happy release day!!!!!!!!!!! Am sending you lots of zombie hugs!!!!
Zombie snuggles!!! Thanks, Amanda!
Happy Release Day, Christina!!
Hope the party goes for ages. :)
Mega congrats, Christina! What a great cover!!
I've made a dreamy swirl chocolate cheesecake for your party!
love always vicki xxxx
congratulations :D
love me
Christina, What a wonderful new arrival, she looks beautiful. Mother must be so proud. It's my hope she grows into a popular well read lady. I wish her many siblings who are also poplular and kind to, and look after, their mother as she grows old. ----- Eric
Rachel, thanks for stopping by! I hope so too!!
Oooh Serena! My favourite type of cheesecake!! Thank you so much! Glad you like the cover!!
Thanks, Vicki! *mwah*
*mwah* thanks Charli!
Eric, thank you so much. That's my hope too!!!
Happy Demon Day to You
Happy Demon Day TO You
Happy Demon Day, Christinaaaa
Happy Demon Day to You!
Haha, thank you Pat!! Are you going to do a vlog for us? That would be so cool!!!
Wow! Am I late to this party or what? That darn time thingy...
But I'm here and wishing you wonderful release days Christina!
I'm checking out the roasting link. Great day, this Friday 13!
Congrats, again and again!
Kaye, you're definitely not late, it's the whole time zone thing! And I love it because it makes the day go on forever!!
Thanks soooo much for all your good wishes!
Had to stop by from the Book Roast. I really liked your excerpt there. Very lush.
Good luck with the book.
Congrats Christina!
Wow, 44 comments already? You rock, woman! Have a fabulous release day; I know TOTD will do great. I'm heading over to party at all your stops!
Congratulations, Christina.
Woohoo, Christina! I'm heading over to buy my copy! Enjoy! :)
Charles, thank you for letting me know you enjoyed the excerpt! And thanks for your good wishes!
Thank you for the congrats, Emma!!
Thank you Helen! I partied so hard last night I feel like a zombie today!!!
Thank you, Linda!!
Cari, thanks so much! I hope you enjoy it!!!
Congrats on the new release, Christina. Here's wishing you loads of sales. :)
Congrats on the release. Woo hoo!!
Toasting you with a virtual chardy,
:-) Mon
Shelley, thank you for the good wishes. I second that!!!
Hey, Mon! Chardy, my fave! Thanks so much for the congrats!!
Congrats, Christina. And thanks for the wonderful article on your mythology you posted at http://blog.skhyemoncrief.com. We loved it!
Thanks for the congrats and hosting me over at yours, Skhye! I loved being your guest!
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