Born and raised in Texas, Ann spent a few years after high school working in other states. She trained race horses in Oklahoma, worked for a hotel in New Mexico and on a guest ranch in Colorado before returning home and finding the love of her life. Married with two children, she spends her days chasing the baby, feeding the zoo that lives on thier 11 acres and trying to squeeze in the time to write.
Can you tell us a little about your book?
It is just a short little story about two friends who have been fighting their attraction for each other and finally find the right moment to come together. It takes place in the Colorado Rockies during a january snow storm. Yumm! what better way to stay warm than with a hot stud :)
How did the idea for the plot come about?
I worked on a Guest Ranch in the Colorado Rockies for awhile. One of my co-workers was a super studly, very sexy melt in your mouth kind of guy. We were friends and did a lot of things together but he had a girlfriend and made it clear to me he would never cheat on her even if he did want to help me take care of a problem :) We are still very good friends and have talked occasionally about the what if's.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
When I first started writing I was working on a story I still have not finished. I decided that for a first submission, it might be better to sub something small. SO, I spend a whopping 6 hours and wrote LIGHTS OUT, sent it to a friend to read and she loved it. So I sent it to TWRP. Then I got a contract.
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
I LOVE the Dark Hunter series by Sherrilyn Kenyon. as far as TV since I don't get cable in the sticks I have a thing for House and Bones. There is just something about Dr House and Agent Booth that I find VERy sexy
What are you working on now?
LOL I have 8 stories sitting on my desktop right now. all of them at various stages of completion. I kinda bounce from one to another depending on the day and what my muse tells me to do.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
Always check my web site. I have lots of fun things there and I am always adding new stuff There is a really cool contest going on RIGHT NOW but it only lasts until the end of the month. It is a very easy scavanger hunt and the prize is super hot! Go check it out and have lots of fun!
Hi Christina and Ann
Great interview.
Hmmm… a super studly melt in your mouth kind of guy…sigh. But I love happy endings so instead I’ll add Lights Out to my urgent TBR list.
Congrats and I wish you loads of success.
Hi Ann and Christina! Good to see your answers here, Ann. That's so amazing that you wrote Lights Out in only six hours. I should be so lucky! And congrats for being on the bestseller list at TWRP Wilder Rose!
Six hours? I agree with Kaye -- that's amazing, Ann! Christina, as always, great interview, and Ann, congratulations on the success of Lights Out!
I was really on a roll with it. It started as a 3k short. I sent it to a couple friends and they really liked it so I sent it to my cp. When she Liked it I sent it to Scarlet. It got expanded in the editing process and is now just over 4k, still short but REALLY HOT according to you gotta read reviews. The reviewer there said "holy hotness, Batman!" I got a good laugh from that.
I am thrilled to be on the best sellers list. I check it every morning and keep expecting it to be gone one day, but fortunatly that day has not come yet. YIPEE!
There is a reason Ann is #1. This book is ohhh so hot. And the ending wasn't what I expected.
I had that ending planned out from the very beginning! I LOVED IT!!!!I laughed so hard I thought I would wet myself
My very favorite series is the Voyager series by Diana Gabaldon.
Congrats on being a best seller at The Wild Rose Press, what a thrill!!
Terrific interview, as always! Wow, Ann, if I could write a story in 6 hours, I'd be pretty impressed with myself! Best of luck with the book...guess I'm adding another to my virtual TBR. ;)
6 hours for 3k is not that bad. During Edits it grew to just over 4k. I am hopeing that the 2 stories I am working on right now will start to flow better from my crazy redneck brain! I am hopeing and praying that when I get them done my editor is pleased with the progress I have made from my very first to my second and third. I hope I can grow and get better. I don't know that I ever want to be in the big time, right now both my kids are little and my son is Autistic so they need me around as much as I can be. I get frustrated some times when I am in the middle of writing and the baby wakes up. By the time I get her back to sleep, my eyes are drooping and my butt is dragging. It happens day after day, so it is a wonder I ever get anything done around my zoo. :)
Hi Ann! Great to meet you! Those best friends to lover stories are hard for me to resist! Too a cabin read! Sounds great. A joy meeting you!
Hey Ann--Congrats on your new release. Love the cover, by the way. :)
Wow--you're road to publication was so fast. I'm jealous. It took me years. Good for you and keep up the good work.
Ann, what an amazing sale story! Good luck with all your other projects!
And congrats on being #1 at TWRP!
Hi, ladies. Great interview... and Ann, you're so making me jealous. I wrote it, friend liked it, sent to publisher, got a contract. *sigh* Wish I was one of those types... I edit and edit and edit some more.... Anyway, congrats on your release. Looks like a fun book.
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