At last I can show off the gorgeous cover for FORBIDDEN! It absolutely captures the essence of the book and I'm madly in love with it! The fabulous art department at Berkley incorporated all the suggestions my agent and I made - and although it's difficult to see with the smaller version even the heroine's eyes are the exact colours I requested.
I'd love to know - what do you think?
You know what I think, and I'll tell you again............ IT'S THE MOST FABULOUS COVER EVER!!!!!!! To go with the most fabulous book ever.
OMG Chrisina - G O R G E O U S ! !
And just that bit different with the Roman outfit. Just stunning. I know you'll be very happy with that!!
Sara, I know I'm biased but the cover is fabulous, isn't it!!!
Mel, I was so hoping the hero would get to keep his Roman regalia! I was so happy my eyes watered! :-)
Oooooohh - that is absolutely stunning!! Congrats Christina.
I think having the different outfits just signifies they are from different worlds - and well Forbidden. So cool :)
It's brilliant! Congrats
That is a gorgeous cover! I also looked at it blowed up big & love the colour of the eyes.
I agree with Eleni re the different garbs setting up the conflict via the visual.
Eleni yes, that's exactly the kind of image I was hoping for, and the art department excelled themselves!
Thanks, Fiona!!
Nicky, isn't that full screen shot amazing! The detail really blows me away. Even the waterfall in the background is lovelier than I'd imagined!
I love the line of text across the bottom, too. Very powerful and alluring. Congratulations!
Christina it is the most beautiful cover! No wonder you are thrilled. It will really stand out in stores and online.
Berkley has a fantastic art department.
I can't wait to read the book!
OH MY CHRISTINA - it is simply BEAUTIFUL! You must be STOKED!!!
Alli, Kandy and Rach - it is beautiful, and I'm definitely going to frame it!!
Oh Christina, very nice. I bet you will be walking around with a big smile on your face for a long time. Congratulations.
Sandie, I have been - people keep giving me very funny looks!!
Absolutely divine, Christina! The cover fairy has smiled upon you! Long may she continue to do so!
Christina, it's gorgeous! Definitely worthy of a poster-size reprint! I can't wait to read Forbidden...is it September yet?!? (That is when it's coming out, right? Or am I confused again? LOL)
It's GREAT Christina. You must be so stoked.
He looks delicious. mmmmm
That's a beautiful cover, and if it reflects the story and characters accurately, so much the better. :D I'm agonizing over a cover art request form of my own right now, and definitely sympathize with the stress of the process. I have a feeling mine won't come out quite so well as yours (small presses have minuscule art budgets, alas) but I'm hoping.
Wow, this is an attractive, appealing cover, Christina - very nice.
How long to go now? :-)
delightfully diffferent, gorgeous and - phew - what a hottie!
Beautiful cover, Christina. Congrats!
I think it's fantastic. I love it. Very sexy story idea too.
Cathleen Ross
Sharon, I've been very lucky with my covers, but this one is very special to me!!
Cari, yes! I want a poster size print! And I think September is going to get here way before I'm ready for it!!!
Tam, isn't Maximus delicious? I just love those arms... so sexy!!
Angie, it really does tie in with the story so beautifully, with the Welsh glade and waterfall. Hope your cover is fabulous too!
Late here because of time difference!
It really is THE most FANTASTIC cover! I clicked on it to make it bigger and all the colours are perfect.
Kylie, I don't have a firm date in September but there's only six months to go... I will be a distracted wreck at conference in August!!
Jenn, he is totally hot, isn't he!!
Anna and Cathleen thank you so much!!
Hi Pat!! Aren't the colours perfect? They really do set the scene of the story. I'm completely stoked!!
Lovely cover, Christina! Congratulations! Can't wait to read the book.
Hooray - It's so awesome to see your cover out and about in the world. Now of course I'm dying to hold the book in my hot, grubby little hands! Btw, the cover totally matches your blog theme!!!!!
Wow, Christina, it's gorgeous - what a hot hero and fabulous heroine. I love it!
It's beautiful, Christina. Absolutely gorgeous.
I bet you can't believe your luck!
Wish the book would hurry up and release. I'm so looking forward to reading it.
Very nice cover!
Congratulations on the great cover, Christina!! We'll celebrate at conference! :)
Anna and Nell, thank you both so much!
Amanda, I was thinking that just the other day! I wish I could say it was completely intentional but it was sheer good luck!!
Phillipa, I'm so happy with how the hero and heroine are shown - exactly the way I imagined!!
Cathryn, I can't! I have to keep opening up the file just to double check!!
Diana, thank you so much!
Nalini, we definitely will! Am so looking forward to August!
What a gorgeous cover. It's beautiful, Christina.
Thanks, Shelley! I'm very pleased with it :-)
Beautiful Cover!!
I've been off the blog radar for a while and look what I miss??? Beautiful! I'll bet you're so excited...
Thanks Kaye and Catherine!
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