Please welcome my special guest this week, Eliza Knight, who currently has three Scarlet time travels riding high in The Wild Rose Press Fantasy bestseller list! Congratulations, Eliza!
Tell us a little about yourself, and your recent release, Love in a Box.
Eliza Knight is the author of sizzling historical romance and time travel erotic romance. While not chasing after her little children, she is writing, reading, researching, and living with her own knight in shining armor. She operates a blog site, History Undressed where she discusses the wildly fascinating yet not popularly known facts of history. You can visit Eliza at, www.elizaknight.com, www.myspace.com/elizaknight & www.historyundressed.blogspot.com
Can you tell us a little about your book?
Thank you so much for having me here! Love In A Box, is the third story in my erotic time travel series, Highland Jewel. The fun part is that the hero in this tale, Colin, is the son of Lainie and Donell from the first story. We also learned about Sera in the first book too...but I won't give away the huge misunderstanding that was made, since you'll find out in the first few pages of Love In A Box!!! Here's the blurb:
Colin MacDuff has grown up learning the ways of Highland warriors from his father Donell--but he's never believed his parent's faniciful stories of time travel, true love and a brooch known as the Highland Jewel. Until…he lands on his butt, literally, in the year 1648. Before him is the most beautiful, not to mention sexy as hell, woman he's ever seen. The only thing is, she refuses to be his, or to believe in the power of the brooch.
Sera wishes she'd been able to escape the Highlands like her sister did, and vows she won't marry for anything less than love, and refuses to be a pawn in a marriage deal. Until…Colin shows her what she's missing. He takes her body to the heights of heaven and back, all while proving to her that true love is possible.
Now everything and everyone, depends on the future of these two lovers. Will Colin stay in the past to save the future, and will Sera succumb to passion and love?
How did the idea for the plot come about?
I'll have to start this answer from the first story. I came up with the idea from a writer friend of mine, Denisse with Celtic Hearts. We have online parties and she always gives out Highlanders in a box as our party favor—and believe me if there was such a thing I’d have dozens! She sponsored a writing contest about our sexy friends and thus, Donell was born. I'd been toying with the idea of continuing the story with another Highlander, and then my editor suggested I make it into a series, and that solidified my ideas, so I wrote Ian, Donell's twin's story. After that I needed a third hero and I couldn't quite figure out what to do. I knew I wanted to tell Sera's story, and I thought I'd just come up with a random guy, but I also wanted to tie it all up, so Colin was born. It's been a lot of fun writing characters and their stories.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
You're not nosy! I love sale stories too! The first story I sold was my Regency novella, Her Captain Returns. I'll never forget it! I am an obsessive email checker. It was probably like 1 am. I'd been up talking and drinking just a little wine with one of my girlfriends, and before I went to bed, my computer--my crutch--called to me. So, I logged on and there it was! An email from my editor at The Wild Rose Press, offering me a contract! I jumped up, ran all the way upstairs, hopped in bed and woke my husband to tell him the good news. Since then I've recieved five more contracts and each time its a thrill!
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
LOL! I'll start with the funnest part of this question: fantasy squeeze... I have several! Vin Diesel, Ryan Reynolds, Daniel Craig, Patrick Dempsey, Brad Pitt, Eric Bana, Christian Bale, Colin Firth and of course the hotties in my books (they are perfect, since I created them, lol) My absolute favorite book is Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bronte, I've read it so many times the pages are falling out. I'm also a big Jane Austen fan. I love Ken Follett, Julie Garwood, Jude Devereux, Eloisa James and Sabrina Jeffries, just to name a few. My favorite movies...my all time fav is Braveheart, then I love the BBC version of Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Bride, Robin Hood Men in Tights, P.S. I Love You, and I recently saw What Happens in Vegas, and loved it too! I don't watch much TV, but when I do I like CSI, the Tudors, and anything on the History Channel.
What are you working on now?
I am currently working on finishing up the last two novels in a medieval series I'm writing, as well as working on a Regency erotic series.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
Several ways :) I have a website, and a myspace page that update regularly. I also contribute to the Pen and Muse blog, where I update whoever is interested in my writing life. And last but not least, I have a newsletter I send out every couple of months. Oh, and I love getting email! As I said I'm an obsessive email checker, so if you want to write to me, you'll be sure to get an answer! writer@elizaknight.com
Thank you for having me! It was a lot of fun :) Eliza KnightCHRW President / HHRW Newsletter EditorAuthor of sizzling historical romance. Bringing passion to life, one love story at a time...www.elizaknight.com / www.historyundressed.blogspot.com / www.myspace.com/elizaknight
Wow, that cover photo caught my eye. Luuurrrvly!!
It was the catchy title that made me laugh, then brought intrigue. Love in a Box....very original and as I said, catchy.
All the best with this one,
Thank you Monique and Suzanne!
Eliza! what fun! way to go... from one obsessive e-mail checker to another!
Terrific interview, Eliza and Christina! I just finished Warrior In A Box a few days ago. I really enjoyed it and will definitely have to check out the other books in the series. Your Regency sounds great, too. Wishing you much continued success! :)
Great interview! Eliza, I like your choices of men! I never knew we had so many in common. Then again, a hot man is a hot man, right?
Fancy seeing you here Ashley, lol! Thank you for the comment!
Thank you Cari! I'm so glad you enjoyed it and I hope you enjoy the others as well :)
I so agree with you Lexi :) Thanks for the comment!
Never get tired of seeing that cover, Eliza. Love the concept of the lad going back in time rather than the lass. Best of luck with all your writing!
Hi, Eliza! Your new story sounds fabulous!! I love time travels!
Hi Christina and Eliza -- Eliza, all your "Box" covers are wonderful. I love looking at them. Regency erotics, huh? I'm looking forward to those ;).
Hi Eliza,
I like how you came up with the idea. I knew CHRW was supportive. I've only attended the Christmas party. Obviously I need to attend more! And here our DH's thought we were just partying without them. I'll have to tell him that when I'm partying, I'm working. Think he'll buy it??
Hi Eliza and Christina,
Great interview.
Love in a Box is a great title, conjures up a lot of ########### pictures.
Great interview ladies! Eliza, it seems you and I share a taste in men and books.
Congrats on your recent release! It looks like I'm going to have to move Lady in a Box and Warrior in a Box up on my TBR pile. Otherwise, I'll never be able to keep up with you.
The cover alone makes me want this book. Add the time travel and you hooked me Eliza. Another must have for me!
The best of luck to you.
A woman after my own heart... Kilts and time travel, what's not to love?
Great interview, as always, Christina. :)
Eliza--your cover is just gorgeous. TWRP artists are amazing, aren't they?
Congrats on your success.
I really like your 'In a Box' series Eliza. And what a good interview, Christina!
OOOh yum, I do like me some Daniel Craig too!! And I agree with everyone else, the Highland Jewel covers are fabulous (and the stories are very hot!!!)
Thank you so much Christina for the interview!!!
And thank you to everyone who commented! I am so happy you all love the HOT covers! And that you are enjoying the series! It was a lot of fun to write :)
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