Saturday, March 11, 2006

Name of the Game

I have a perfectly reasonable working title for WIP. It's not like totally knock your socks off fabulous or anything like that, but it kinda sums up the tone I need ( and I need a title that 'works' for me before I can get stuck into writing!)

Okay so here's the thing. The other day one of my wonderful CPs dubbed it Kill Lil. Hehe. Very funny. The trouble is, now whenever I think about this story, I call it Kill Lil in my head. It's very distracting because my heroine is neither a killer nor gets killed (although the hero thinks she is dead but that's not the point... or is it? Hmm, candle flicker moment!)

All right. Kill Lil it is!


Amanda Ashby said...

Yes that's all very well, but I do feel obliged to point out that this certain witch has also been trying to convince anyone and everyone to write a book about a Space Motel. Of course she can't do it because she's too close to the subject matter, oh account of her running a motel herself. In space....

Sara Hantz said...

Well, your heroine might not be a killer but her name is Lil.....

I've just had a great idea. Kill Lil 2 could take place in a motel in space...... I don't think it's been done before. Don't you just love it when a fab idea just pops into your head

Christina Phillips said...

It's life Jim, but not as we know it.

Sharon J said...

My WIP's working title is "The Tenerifian Shagbandit". Well it works for me :) ~Sharon J

Christina Phillips said...

LOL Sharon! I love it!