Saturday, April 27, 2013

Hot Warriors, Vampires & Sizzling Sex

The last few months have been hectic writing wise, and I thought I'd just give a quick update on what I've been up to.

At the end of February I handed in Tainted, the fourth book set in my Roman/Druid world. I should be getting revisions on that in the next couple of months. I've also filled in the cover art form and will be sending that off shortly.

At the beginning of last week I received edits on Bloodlust Denied, my dark Regency romance with a vampire duke, and sent them back at the weekend. Thankfully my editor loved them so this book has now been passed up the chain and we should be getting a release date soon. I'll keep you posted!

Her Savage Scot, the first book in my Highland Warrior Chronicles, is also with my editor and she hopes to get to this one within the next few months. I've already sent the cover art form off for this and can't wait to see what Ellora's Cave come up with. A hot sexy Highland Warrior I hope!!

A few days ago I was over at the Cafe at All Romance E-books having a chat about how some heroes just won't take no for an answer, and refuse to leave until their story has been told. And don't forget there's only three more days until the 50% rebate on all EC books at ARe finishes!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This book not published for children and week hart man.

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