On Tuesday our gorgeous Ava gave birth to her kittens! There were some complications and we had to rush her to the vet's for an emergency Caeserean. Luckily they managed to save two of her four kittens, and here she is with her two little sons, Theodore and Bartimaeus.

Theodore is the darker one, and spends all his time either nursing or sleeping. Bartimaeus, on the other hand, spends half his time on his back waving his legs around and somehow manages to maneuver himself all over the box using this method! He also makes a lot of noise and I think he might well live up to his mischievous namesake!!!
Aw, cute. I'm glad mother and kittens are doing well.
Thanks, Shelley. I'm spending most of my time in the bedroom just watching them - can't seem to help myself!!!
Kittens, like babies, are wonderful time wasters. And aren't B&T adorable. I'm such a sucker for a cat. Sigh.
So are they permanent additions to your family or will they be venturing off into the big, wide world once they're old enough???
PS. Cheap kitten toy - any sort of ribbon/s or toilet rolls.
They are so gorgeous - and I love their names.
How cute. Sad about the other two though, poor little darlings.
Kylie, we're keeping them. thank you everyone for the lovely wishes. Unfortunately we just lost our little Barty. Poor Ava had such a tough time with this litter, I'm now watching Theo like a hawk, feel completely paranoid but what else can you do? At least Ava is recovering well and is very loving towards Theo so fingers crossed she gets to keep at least one of her little sons.
That's a hell of a lot of cuteness going on. Should be illegal :))
Oh no, I commented without reading the other comments. So sorry to hear about Barty. Hugs.
Thanks, Eleni. Theo is very cute though :-) I think I'll be up all night making sure he's no more than half a centimeter from his mama's body!
Hi Christina! It's good to be back.
What sweet Kittens! So glad mom is fine.
Hi Kaye! It's lovely to see you again :-)
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