Please welcome my special guest this week, Scarlet Rose author Deborah J Panger, whose Miniature Rose, Saje, is riding high in The Wild Rose Press bestseller lists!
Deborah J Panger is an author of romantic and erotic fiction. With an interest in fairy lore, she blends fantasy with romance to weave enchanting love stories. She’s an active member of Romance Writers of America and their Fantasy, Futuristic & Paranormal chapter and critique group.
Hi, thanks for having me.
Can you tell us a little about your book?
Yes, my erotic short story, Saje, is about a lonely woman who wakes up on May Day to find a naked male stranger with wings, standing in her dining room. Instead of screaming and running for her life, she finds herself attracted to him. She learns he is Saje, a seed-spreading, trinket hording Woodland Fairy and he's brought her two May Day Baskets. They wind up making whoopie on her dining room table and then he won't leave. How does she get rid or him? Or will she even want to?
How did the idea for the plot come about?
Actually, I saw a call for submissions on Myspace wanting stories about the lesser known holidays, such as Labor day, etc. The idea struck me out of nowhere, so I wrote Saje, submitted it to the publisher that called for the submissions, and they passed on it. I ended up sending it to The Wild Rose Press and they offered me my first contract.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?

Sure. About eight years ago, I decided to write a novel out of the clear blue. I managed to pen a historical novel, named 'Punished Desire' and I self published it. ,You can still find it on the web. I'm proud of my baby, even though its chalk full of mistakes. I had no idea how to write back then. Anyways, about three years ago, I joined Romance Writer's of America and their FF&P chapter and critique group, and then got down to business on honing my craft. As I mentioned, I submitted Saje to The Wild Rose Press and they offered me a contract after I did a few changes on my manuscript. Everyone kept telling me that I'd get hundreds of rejections before I got a nibble, but I must be one of the fortunate ones, because I had only recieved 2 rejections before my first sale. I know...that's odd. In addition to Punished Desire and Saje, I have finished a full-length fairy fantasy novel, Thorn's Embrace, which I had submitted to another publisher before I sold to The Wild Rose Press. A few weeks ago, I recieved a rejection on it, stating they no longer accept anything over 65k. So now, I've gotten 3 rejections. :) I plan to clean up Thorn's Embrace before submitting it again.
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
Oh boy, where do I begin? Books. I'll start there. My all-time favorite book is 'Night Play' by Sherrilyn Kenyon. I like all her dark-hunter, were-hunter books. I'm also a fan of Christine Feehan and J. R. Ward. Movies: Pretty in Pink, Pirates of The Carribean, Final Fantasy-Advent Children. I love movies and could go on and on, so I'll stop. Tv shows-I'm addicted to American Idol. Adam Lambert's my fave this season. And fantasy squeezes. I'm a little eccentric on my taste but here goes:Jon Bon Jovi-been a huge fan since the 80's. Cloud Strife-I know he's a computerized cartoon, but my oh my, he's hot. Gerard ButlerHugh JackmanAnd I'd love a Carpathian male, Were-hunter, and dark-hunter to call my very own.
What are you working on now?
I just submitted another fae short story, Firefae, to Wild Rose. It's about a fireman who is kidnapped and taken back to the Fae Realm by a wee little female fairy whose responsible for the brushfire he's recently put out. We'll see how it goes.
What's your fave:
Time to write---Weekends
Song-At the Stars, by Better Than Ezra
Pair of shoes-flip-flops
Food-Fried Shrimp Po-boys
Place (on earth or off!)-Disney World.
Guiltiest pleasure -OOAK male fantasy dolls.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
My main website
or Myspace
Thanks for having me. I've really enjoyed it. Take care ya'll,Deb
Hum-- Naked winged men in the dining room - pass me one please.
Your book sounds great, and I love the premise for the next.
Godd luck!
Hi Deborah! That's a fabulous picture of Jon Bon Jovi. He's on my "list", too, ever since the 80's when long hair was in! I love the cover of your book, too! Very sexy.
Thanks, Kathye and Debra. I sure had fun writing Saje.
Jon Bon Jovi has been the 'ultimate' male in my eyes since the first time I saw him back in the late 80's. I remember watching their 'Living on a Prayer' video and one look at him was all it took.
Yes, I love my cover also. I just wish I knew who the model is. I'd love to meet him. He makes a hot Saje.
Take care ya'll,
Weird -- I thought I left a comment yesterday, but it must be lost in cyberspace. Deb, I downloaded Saje a while ago, but I haven't read it yet. I'm looking forward to it! Christina, wonderful interview as usual!
Great interview, ladies! Deb, I have Saje on my TBR. Can't wait to read it. :)
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