Please welcome my special guest today, C.A. Salo, whose recent release from The Wilder Roses, Destined to Mate, is racing up the bestseller lists!
C.A, please tell us about yourself!
I’m a mom and sister, living off
I like to write anything from sweet to HOT, HOT, HOT with a happy ending.
When not writing, I home school. Exploring interesting ideas and places has become a norm for us.
Travel, reading, photography, coffee, and wines are also a favorite for this diversified Gemini.
Can you tell us a little about your book?
As a Chimera, half lioness/half human, Alexis Xanthis, has never released the beast within. Until she meets Lykan Alpha, Morgan LeVey. Being near him triggers a powerful need to mate, but is Morgan strong enough to dominate her feline side and still handle the human half with a gentle hand? And will the powers that be allow it?
How did the idea for the plot come about?
I remember a Chimera being mention in one of the Hercules – The Legendary Journeys TV shows on television in the 90’s. So I looked a Chimera up, (isn’t the web a wonderful tool.) LOL, and learned a little more about the Greek mythological creature before writing her a story of her own with some of my twists added.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
LOL, no prob. I was first published in 2006 with a couple small e-publishers, who shut their doors for one reason or another. I have two best sellers with Whiskey Creek Press Torrid. And decided to rework Destined to Mate and send her in to The Wild Rose Press.
Silly me sent her into the wrong line, but the editor loved Destined to Mate so much, she send it to the wilder side of TWRP. *Grins* and here we are today. The reviews coming in are awesome…so yeah…I’m PSYCHED!!
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
Hey I’m all for research! LOL. I am such a diversified person. I love so many things, but I have to say my favorite movie of all time is Highlander with Christopher Lambert & Sean Connery. If you look beyond Connor being an immortal, you’ll see it’s also a love story between Connor and his beloved Heather.
Books, well there’s just so many of them. But the first book that really caught my temptation (shall we say) was written by the wonderful Beatrice Small. It was the first “hot” book I read, and you know, I’m embarrassed to say, I can’t remember the name of it *blushing* If I had all my belongings unpacked from our recent move, I’d be able to tell you in a heart beat, but I read it over ten years ago. SORRY!! But I can still remember the exact scene I just wrote about *Big Grins / Wiggling Eyebrows*
TV Shows – I’m a total Sci-Fi nut. Seeing as how they just took my Battle Star Galactica off and Fringe just had it’s season ender, I’m waiting for Sanctuary to start up again.
Christina: Oooh yes. I LOVE BSG. Don't get me started!!!
Current Fantasy Squeeze – Hehehehehehe, J Well, That’s being plotted in my head at this moment.
What are you working on now?
I’m drawing up an outline for a sequel or two to Destined to Mate, and am self editing the sequel to A Slave’s Way Out.
What's your fave:
Time to write: Mid-morning
Song: Anything Rock and Roll
Pair of shoes: Sneakers
Food: Sushi
Place (on earth or off!): On Earth - A Quiet place in the woods or where I can sink my hands into the soil / Off Earth – anywhere the closest star ship would like to take me. J
Guiltiest pleasure: Chocolate
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
My Web site: www.casalo.webs.com
Myspace: www.myspace.com/ca_salo
My Blog: http://authorcasalo.blogspot.com
Links to find my books:
Hi girls! C.A., my favorite food is sushi, too ;). Fun interview! I have Destined to Mate on my Sony, ready to read. Can't wait to get to it!
Helen, You're such a sweetheart!! Thanks for stopping by and please let me know what you think of DTM
Good interview, C.A. I really want to read this one! Good luck...
I knew there was something missing from my TBR list.
Great interview, ladies.
I love characters that are a bit different so Destined to Mate sounds exactly right for me.
Another chocolate lover. There are a few of us!
Terrific interview! Destined to Mate is on my TBR and I can't wait to read it! :)
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