Friday, January 02, 2009

Touch of the Demon - Cover Art

OMG!!! What a fantastic New Year's pressie. The cover art for my upcoming Scarlet Rosette was waiting for me in my inbox this morning. Isn't it absolutely gorgeous? My wonderful cover artist, Angela Anderson, even included the magical stiletto (which I had entirely forgotten to mention in the art sheets!) I also love the way she's reflected and transposed the cover of Foretaste of Forever.

I'd love to know what you think!

And here's the excerpt:

“I’ll beg you for nothing.” It was a lie. If Celeste thought begging could get her anywhere, then she would already be on her knees before him. She kept that knowledge locked deep in her heart.

Rafe took a step toward her and her heart hammered in her breast. He was taller than any human she had known over the years. But then, he wasn’t human. Beneath the long leather coat he wore against the night’s chill air, his broad shoulders all but blotted out the rest of the world.

She sucked in a suddenly panicked breath, and his evocative scent of other worldly essences, meshed with hot, heavy male enveloped her. Against every principle she stood for, her nipples strained against the fabric of her bodice, peaking with desire and disgust and pure, animal heat.

A mocking smile twisted his full sensual lips. “I could make you beg, human.” His finger traced the outline of her face and she shuddered, hating the way she reacted and yet unable to help herself. “I might even listen to your pleas.” His smoky whisper shimmered along her senses, searing with words unsaid.


Anna Campbell said...

Ooh, Christina, that is one hawt cover! What a great way to start 2009!

Mon Wood said...

WOW! It's sexy! The hero looks delish, and the heroine looks stunning.

Not surprised you're pleased with it :-)

Anonymous said...

Fantastic cover. Is that She-Ra in the background (so cool, btw)? So exciting. When does this one come out?

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

Love the cover and the excerpt. Wonderful.

Have a Happy 2009.x

Christina Phillips said...

Anna, isn't it? Now I just need to frame it so I can drool in comfort!!

Hey Mon! I'm really thrilled with it, dark and lush exactly as I was hoping!!

Hahahaa, Sussan!!! Celeste isn't supposed to be She-Ra but I see what you mean!!

I don't have a release date for this one yet, still waiting to hear back on the last lot of revisions I sent my editor just before Christmas. Fingers crossed it won't be too long!

Thanks so much, Debs. Happy New Year!

Margaret Tanner said...

Hi Christina,
What a gorgeous cover. So evocative. Certainly droolsworthy


April Vine said...

An absolutely stunning cover to go with what promises to be another winner.
Love the cover, love the excerpt, can’t wait for the rest of it.

Devon Gray said...

What a great cover and a hot excerpt! I can't wait!


Christina Phillips said...

Margaret, I've been very lucky with both my covers, which have captured the tone of the books perfectly!

April and Devon, Angela is an amazing cover artist! So glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

Catherine Bybee said...

Again... Wonderful!

Susan Macatee said...

It's gorgeous, Christina!

Gail Symmonds said...

Congrats Christina. The cover looks great.


Christina Phillips said...

Thanks so much, Catherine, Susan and Gail!

Amanda Ashby said...

Phoar. I do love me a six pack!!!!!!!

Rachael Johns said...

Congrats Christina - another gorgeous cover!!

Oh and Happy New Year!

Christina Phillips said...

Amanda, I've been finding the six pack very inspirational over the last couple of days!!!

Thanks, Rach - and Happy New Year to you too!!

Eleni Konstantine said...

Well isn't that an inspiring cover. Lovely!!! And I really like the font too. Great excerpt. What a great way to start the year. Yay!

Christina Phillips said...

Eleni, isn't the font amazing? I love it so much! I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!!

Robyn Grady said...

Christina, no wonder you were blown away! Love the cover and how it works in with your first. Love the excerpt too...I so wanna write one!cN

Robbie x

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Another eye catching cover Christina and excellent New Year present.
Very tempting excerpt... well done. :)

Suz :)

Shelley Munro said...

Ooh, great cover! That is a great thing to find in your in-box.

Kaye Manro said...

Absoutely fantastic, Christina! What a great cover. I love your excerpt too. Can't wait...

PS I'm back around now...

Cari Quinn said...

Great cover and excerpt, Christina! Can't wait for this one! :)

Christina Phillips said...

Robbie, I love the way the two covers compliment each other! I'm so glad you enjoyed the excerpt!

Suz, it was a great New Year pressie!

Shelley, it was a huge surprise to find in my inbox, I wasn't expecting anything until at least next week!

Kaye, how fantastic to see you again! So glad you like the excerpt!

Thanks so much, Cari! Hope it won't be long before I find out the release date!

Helen Hardt said...

Angela so rocks! Great cover, hon, and smokin' excerpt!
