Thanks so much for having me as a guest! I’m excited to be here and will pop in and respond to any comments or questions your visitors might have.
A bit about Beth:
My fascination with Colonial America, particularly stirring tales of the frontier and the Shawnee Indians, is an early and abiding one. My English, Scot-Irish ancestors had interactions with this tribe, including family members taken captive. These accounts inspired my passion. Intrigued with all things Celtic, much of my writing features these early Scot-Irish forebears who settled in the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia and surrounding mountains, spreading into Tennessee and the Carolinas. Through the Fire, my Golden Heart ® final, grew out of this absorption, release date TBD. Daughter of the Wind, my light paranormal with strong Native American elements, also spun out of my focus on the colonial frontier, release date TBD.
My passion for Colonial America extends to the high drama of the Revolution. I have ancestors who fought and loved on both sides of that sweeping conflict. Extensive research into the Southern face of the war was partly inspired by my great-great-great grandfather, Sam Houston, uncle of the famous Sam, who kept a journal of the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, North Carolina, 1781, that is used by historians today. Enemy of the King is my Revolutionary War romance novel, release date TBD.
Moreover, I'm ever intrigued by ghost stories, and Virginia has more tales than any other state. I find myself asking if the folk who’ve gone before us are truly gone, or do some still have unfinished business in this realm? And what of the young lovers whose time was tragically cut short, do they somehow find a way?
Love conquers all, so I answer ‘yes.’ This is how my light paranormal romance, Somewhere My Love, came to be, the first of four novels I've signed for with the Wild Rose Press. I write historical and light paranormal romance and a mix of both. My short Free Read Nighthawk is available for download now at the Wild Rose Press: http://thewildrosepress.com/
Can you tell us a little about your book, Somewhere My Love?
Somewhere My Love, a departure from my historical romance novels, is a murder mystery/ghost story with flashbacks to early nineteenth century Virginia. My first light paranormal romance and debut novel, ‘Somewhere’ is coming to the Wild Rose Press in digital download on Sept. 26! http://thewildrosepress.com/
Please take a look at the trailer for Somewhere My Love on Youtube. It has a phenomenal number of hits for a new author. I’m delighted. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BpBh0tPOVUM
How did the idea for the plot come about?
The idea for the story came to me after I toured old Virginia plantation Homes along the James River, the setting for ‘Somewhere.’ I’m also very influenced by my family’s Virginia home place circa 1816.
I love sale stories (ok I am just nosy!!) so can you tell us about your road to publication - and your call story?
I’ve written vignettes about country life for years and took up historical romance novels with a passion at 40. Life truly does begin at 40. J I’ve had more than one exciting call with contest finals, culminating in the 2008 Golden Heart®. I was invited to submit to the Wild Rose earlier this year and received with great enthusiasm, most gratifying. At the WRP ‘the call’ comes in the form of a much sought after email and I’m thrilled to be a part of this wonderful romance company. I’m writing for two lines, the American Rose and Faery Rose.
We are all about the love here, so please share your fave books, movies, TV shows or current fantasy squeeze (it's all in the line of research!)
I’m shamefully behind in my TBR pile, spent time this summer watching Netflix with my daughter. I’m a big fan of Clive Owen and Gerard Butler. My all time favorite hero is Daniel Day Lewis in The Last of the Mohicans.
What are you working on now?
The next story in my ‘Somewhere’ series, a Scottish time travel entitled Somewhere My Lass, another departure for me. I’m branching out. I also have sequels in the works for several of my historical. Yikes, I better get back to work.
How can readers keep up with your writing and books?
My website: http://www.bethtrissel.com/
Congratulations Beth! You know I've been waiting on this one. I can't wait to read it. Great interview. I always love to hear how authors become inspired with particular stories.
Hi Bess! What a great background you have. I am so jealous of the historical "connections" you have! What a great family history. Congrats on all of your accomplishments. Good luck with your new projects.
Thanks ladies. I much appreciate your interest and support. Only as a much older adult did I come to realize that not every family has this trove of family history and deep ties to their colonial past, not to mention all the documents, etc, from the Civil War, and a rich knowledge of our English Scots-Irish past. What a legacy.
Congratulations, Beth, and thanks for the interview, Christina. Lovely cover!
Congratulations on your new release, Beth! I love ghost stories! And yours sounds intriguing!
The day is here! Congratulations, Beth, and I'll see you at my blog on Monday!
A ghost story mystery! Ooh, this sounds like something I would like.
Great interview, Beth and Christine!
Congratulations Beth. I love the excitement of the First book. And yours is a great one judging from the excerpts I read. Wishing you many sales.
I love ghost stories!!! Can't wait to read it!
What a plesant interview Christina and Beth.
I was very intrigued by the history of Virginia. So much to draw upon.
All the best,
Suz :)
Thanks everyone, and thanks Christina for hosting me.
Beth, thanks for being here!
And another Clive Owen fan! I don't blame you. That man is HOT!!!
Congratulations on your release, Beth. It sounds very intriguing.
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