Monday, September 01, 2008

Coming Soon!

I've hit my stride with my next erotic romance. The characters won't leave me alone, and I'm thinking about them at all sorts of inappropriate moments, such as when I'm supposed to be helping my son with his homework or chatting to my daughters or husband. Luckily they're used to me living in my own little world and don't get too miffed when I'm clearly not with them!!

I had a little squeee moment over the weekend when I was browsing through the Wild Rose Press site and came upon My book! and Me! in the Coming Soon section! Yes that was a definite omg moment. So much so that I had to wake my husband up and drag him to the computer so he could witness this event!! I'm of the mind that there are so many setbacks along this road, that we have to take every little good thing and celebrate!!


Pat Posner said...

The mind of this witch boggles at the mention of 'inappropriate moments'.

And the other moment deserves a BIG SQUEEE!


Christina Phillips said...

hahaha!!! Goodness, Patwitch, I don't know what you mean!!! **blinks innocently**

Kaye Manro said...

I Know that was a great feeling, Christina! And those seeds for a new story will soon grow for you too.

(I bet you could write sci-fi if you wanted-- if you love it, you can write it-- I hate it too when a sci-fi series is dropped.)

Keep us posted on the release of FOF. If you want, you can promote it on launch day on my blog like Helen Hardt did.

Nell Dixon said...

Absolutely celebrate every step of the journey!

Christina Phillips said...

Kaye, thank you so much! I'd love to.

Nell, I couldn't agree more!

Helen Hardt said...

Christina, you are so right. Celebrate each little moment. You deserve it!

And enjoy your next erotic. Aren't they just the most fun to write?


Christina Phillips said...

Helen, they certainly are!!

Cathryn Hein said...

Oh, that must have been a HUGE moment for you, Christina. Imagine what it'll be like when your book's released!
Enjoy the rush. You deserve it.

Barrie said...

How very exciting to see your book listed as "Coming Soon"!! Enjoy every moment!

Kate Hardy said...

Congrats, Christina! Delighted to hear the news :o)

Christina Phillips said...

Cathryn, thank you! I did get very excited lol!!

Barrie thanks so much! I will!

Kate thanks so much for your good wishes! They mean a lot to me!

Deborah Carr (Debs) said...

So excited for you. I agree that everything should be celebrated, good for you.

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Congratulations Christina,
It must be a great moment.

Hey, and you are keeping your mind on the job. heheheheh (so funny)

All the best,


Amanda Ashby said...

Okay, so when I first read your title and then the fact that your new erotica was going well - let's just say that my mind went a bit smutty!!!!!!!!!!! I think you're a bad influence on me!!!!!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks so much Debs!

Ha ha Suz, yes I'm definitely keeping my mind on the job!!!

Amanda, moi a bad influence?! My mind is a pure as the driven snow... you know that...

Sussan Marz said...

LOL, about characters not leaving you alone at inappropriate moments.

Christina, would it be worth taking a screen snapshot, printing it and hanging it up somewhere or starting a scrap book?

Christina Phillips said...

Sussan, I printed off the page as soon as I saw it!!! (great minds think alike!!)