Thursday, May 15, 2008


Somehow, and I'm not entirely sure how, the witches have persuaded me to enter a writing competition. This momentous decision was made this morning, and I spent the rest of the day fiddling about with the entry.

I'm not exaggerating here, I'm being literal. Whenever I was at the computer, I was either tweaking my pages or shooting off rabid little missives along the lines of... how do I get my header on the right hand side of the page instead of the left (I had many far stupider questions, believe me, but I'm just not brave enough to display my ignorance here!!!) Despite feeling bad about interrupting Amanda because she's neck deep in the most amazing revisions, I still bugged her (because I'm nice like that!)

Truth is, I don't do contests because the formatting rules give me palpitations. I can get quite paranoid and at one point poor Sara actually printed out one of my pages, got a ruler and measured how many cms my margins were. *cough*

So, given all this drama, was this a competition for a full manuscript? Um, no.

It's for the first five pages. But in my defence, those first five pages are now sooo much stronger than they were yesterday!!!


Anonymous said...

Christina, you're a legend! Send me an email if you are still having problems with the formatting or you need a pair of fresh eyes.

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks, Sussan!! I think I'll take you up on that!!

Eleni Konstantine said...
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Eleni Konstantine said...

Good luck with the comp Chrisina. :)

Eleni Konstantine said...

Christina!! dyslexic fingers LOL!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks for the good vibes, Eleni! And actually I rather love Chrisina - sounds very exotic!!

Shelley Munro said...

Good luck with the contest, Christina. I'm sure you'll do just fine!

Anonymous said...

OMG! It's like looking in the mirror!
I hate formating. It doesn't halp that I'd just gotten used to word 03 and some bastard, oops lovely Husband decided to upgrade me to a new PC and word 07! And we're not going to talk about Vista!
Good luck with the comp!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks Shelley. I hope so!

Rhian, my hubby also loves to upgrade but I put my foot down over Vista - it sounds a complete nightmare!

Rachael Blair said...

Hey Christina...

I'm lucky I have a computer teacher for a mum and she's great with all that technical stuff. But you're lucky with all those great CPs. Good luck in the contest... can't wait to hear how you go!

Amanda Ashby said...

Hahaha - Christina - this post is so funny mainly because I know that you're not exagerating one little bit!!!! However, since Paradox rules, all those palpatations were worth it!!!!!!

Christina Phillips said...

Rach, I'm better now with the technical stuff than I used to be, but I'm still pretty hopeless. It's mostly double dutch to me!

Amanda, yes, Friday gave me a few more grey hairs that's for sure. I just don't think I'm cut out to be a contest slut!!

Sara Hantz said...

Your entry is going to kick some serious butt!!