Friday, May 30, 2008

50ks in 30 Days June Challenge

Yes it's official. I'm completely insane, as I put my hand up a while ago to join the 50ks in 30 Days challenge, along with many other equally insane ladies! haha, just kidding girls!!

Actually this is exactly what I need, since my writing has been sluggish (that's putting it kindly) just lately. I did intend to plough onwards with my paranormal, but in the middle of this week I had an epiphany (I blame it on the Romance Roadshow!!!) and went back to my Bloody Dead Body Book.

The good news there is I've broken the block and I think the body has resolved itself. Hooray. I hate letting a book beat me. I've also written about 5k new words on that one over the last couple of days so it looks like that's the book I'll be continuing with for the month of June.

Of course there's still two days to go before we press our noses to the grindstone, or the computer keyboard, so who knows which book I might be writing by then... probably a completely new one!


Rachael Blair said...

Thank goodness there's someone else out there who can't make up their mind which mss to focus on.

Christina Phillips said...

But I wish I could, cause it would make life so much easier!!!

Anonymous said...

You've written 5K in a couple of days. I think you'll be fine writing 50k in a month :-).

Christina Phillips said...

Sussan, my head is all over the place at the moment but I'm determined to knuckle down and produce my 50k one way or another!!

Shelley Munro said...

Good luck with your writing challenge. I'll be cheering you on in spirit. I've been hiding in my writing cave for most of the month - need to finish a book before Nationals!

Christina Phillips said...

Thanks Shelley - and good luck with finishing your book before Nationals!!