My lovely friend, Shelley Munro, has a new release from Ellora's Cave hitting the cyber shelves on 7th March 2008. And just take a look at this cover! Is it smoking or what?

And here's the intriguing press release for Fancy Free:
Responsible Romantic Heroes Use Condoms
Some readers prefer heroes to use condoms while others say the dose of reality kills all the spontaneity and romance. It’s a debate that repeats all over romance land—to use condoms or not to use condoms—since, after all, it is only fiction…
New Zealand erotic romance author, Shelley Munro took this a step further in her upcoming release Fancy Free, the story of an accountant who inherits a condom company. When Ms. Munro caught an Air New Zealand flight from San Francisco, she came across an advertising article about a new condom on the market. The ideas flowed and by the time she landed in Auckland, she’d outlined her plot for Fancy Free.
It’s not every day a girl inherits a condom company, and to say accountant, Alice Beasley is astonished and out of her depth is putting it mildly. For an almost virgin, she needs a quick education in all things condom because her inheritance is in danger. Someone is intent on sabotage and playing nasty, trying to destroy her new company.
Alice is suddenly getting down and dirty with charismatic James, the factory manager, all in the name of business, testing new condom designs. The sex is hot. Mind-blowing. It’s a dark thrill and an erotic journey. Yeah, it’s a hard job but a girl’s got to do what a girl’s gotta do.
The testing turns personal. Alice wants James. She craves his talented touch and sultry kisses, she desires passion and physical pleasure on a permanent basis but first she must convince bad boy James to give up his fancy free ways.
Note: condoms were tested and a few harmed during the writing of this story.
Fancy Free releases on 7 March 2008 from Ellora’s Cave and is Ms. Munro’s eighteenth release from the pioneer erotic romance publisher.
From the time Shelley Munro was a little girl living in New Zealand, she wanted to be a detective. She read all the Famous Five mysteries by Enid Blyton before graduating to Nancy Drew and the Hardy Boys. Her favorite television viewing was Scooby Doo where she, in her invisible guise, helped Scooby solve the crime.
As happens with children, Shelley grew up and boys distracted her from childhood dreams. She found one she really liked and married him, traveling the world at his side until returning to settle in New Zealand to write hot and spicy tales for Ellora’s Cave, some of which contain the odd body or two.
Publishing Notes:
Title: Fancy Free
Author: Shelley Munro
Publisher: Ellora’s Cave
ISBN: 9781419913341
Release Date: 7 March 2008
Genre: Contemporary erotic romance
Setting: Present day New Zealand
Adventure into Romance with Shelley Munro
Hi Christina!
Isn't it great how one blog can lead to another? I think Suzanne McMinn ( was right after all when she spoke of networking that way! Like you, I am a sometime writer of paranormal romance. (I've read and studied every Nocturne novel published.)I think Nocturne Bites would be interesting too. It looks like you are doing a bit of fine networking. I like the way you have set up your website-- coming soon. Good idea.
My lifestyle and moods do get in the way of writing. But I trudge along into it and out of it. Overall, I've written romance for almost three years. I also have a journalism background and write other stuff too. I've now completed three novels and number four is moving right along. I have two novellas finished and numerous short stories--with lots of outlines and story ideas brewing. So I guess that's not too bad.
It really is good to connect with other writers. By the way, I tried to send this to the email on your website but it wouldn't send.
Hi Kaye, thanks for stopping by!
Yes, I love this way of networking, it's so much fun to meet other like minded souls!
Thank you for your kind words about my website! And for the heads up about my non functioning email - oops. Hopefully I've just sorted that now (forgot to put a whole word in - my bad!)
Hi back, Christina. Not to worry, I do understand about leaving holes! It's good to connect, and thanks for visiting my blog too.
About EC and your friend with a last name similar to mine, no less!--I have a crit partner who publishes with them too. She's always right on target with the erotic sex scenes, and has helped me learn how to write a good one, even though I usually don't write too overly graphic. I'm more of a sensual writer myself. But I've been known to write some pretty sexy stuff, lol.
Blogger does not like me today. It keeps eating my posts :(
What I was trying to say was thanks so much for helping me out with Fancy Free.
BTW - how are you going with your Nocturne bite story? Mine has come to a halt and I'm currently working on something else while I mull over my plot.
Happy writing!
Kaye, I always manage to squeeze in a love scene or two in my books, but my Spice Brief was my first attempt at erotica (and I absolutely loved writing it!!!)
Shelley, I love your books and I'm so looking forward to reading Fancy Free soon.
As for the Nocturne Bites, I sent it off last night! It's the fastest thing I've written and now I want to try my hand at a full length novel based on that world!
Oooh, I remember when Shelly first sold this book and I couldn't stop laughing at the premise! It's genius. As is your nocturne bites, Christina. All fingers and toes are crossed for it!!!
Ah, the things I don't need to consider when writing middle grade.... :)
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