Well it's a hard life having to trawl through pics of hot guys, but I've done my best and here is a selection of my current fave squeezes (yes only my current ones, I've recently reached the conclusion I'm a right hussy on the quite!!)
Okay here's one of Johnny Depp. I nearly went with the pirate image but decided this one was rather yummy!

And here is the divine Colin Firth as Mr Darcy. I tried very hard to find one of him just emerging from the lake, but the nearest I got was him dripping with disgusting brown water which didn't give the same effect at all!

Oh-KAY! Well phew. Look at this one of Hugh Jackman!! Hot or what???

You have very good taste, Ms. Phillips ;)
I like to think so, Shel!!!
How fun! (I wonder if any of them has a hairy back. Tee hee.)
OMG Barrie!!!!
I hope not!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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