Friday, September 05, 2014

Secret Confessions: Sydney Housewives Cover Reveal for WILLOW Friends to Lovers

I'm so excited that finally I can talk about a Secret Project I've been involved in for the last few months with ten other awesome Aussie authors! It's a sexy continuity for Escape Publishing, and here is my cover. Hot, huh!

I got the email inviting me to be a part of this awesome project just hours after sending my last book to my EC editor at 3 am. So I didn't get my usual two day break between books. Actually come to think of it I hardly ever get a two day break between finishing one book and starting the next!

My story, Willow, is the ninth in the continuity, and is slated for release on 19th February 2015.

As soon as we get the okay to share blurbs and more information I'll post it here!

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