Monday, August 26, 2013

Passion's Poison by Lexi Post + Smoking Giveaway!

I'm delighted to have fellow Ellora's Cave author Lexi Post on my blog today, telling us a little about her hot new release, Passion's Poison.  And that sure is a smoking cover!

Lexi is also hosting a giveaway so be sure to enter the Rafflecopter contest at the bottom of the post! Good luck!

Thank you, Christina, for having me on your blog. I’m very excited about my recent release, Passion’s Poison, because, well, just look at that cover! That’s Zach, the hero of my story. But before I say anything about him, I have to let everyone know that I write erotic romances inspired by the classics, so this story is inspired by Nathaniel Hawthorne’s short story “Rappaccini’s Daughter.” Only my story is not short at all! Hawthorne’s Beatrice Rappaccini is poisonous, and so is mine. Only mine releases her poison through sex to stay alive which then makes her partners ill, so a long term relationship is out of the question.

In enters Zach Woodman, and yes, the cover artist got him just right. He’s a former logger turned chainsaw artist. He does very cool carvings out of huge logs. His life is great except he has always wanted a marriage like his folks have.  The problem is despite being engaged twice, he is still unmarried. Why? They died. Yup. Both of them in freak accidents. He is convinced that he is fated not to have a wife at all and keeps his relationships to three nights of sex and no more. He fears if he gets too close to a woman, she will die too.

Sounds like these two could have a one-night stand and be happy, doesn’t it? Except “feelings” make things complicated. Those and Bea’s six fathers, ex-boyfriend, hippie mom, outspoken grandma and the writer of the anonymous letters telling Bea to stay away from Zach. But don’t worry, this sexy man gets more than his fair share of hot nights. Seriously, a guy that hot just had to!

So enter the rafflecopter for a chance to win. I’m giving away an ecopy of Passion’s Poison to one lucky person. Good luck!

Always, Lexi
Excerpt from Passion’s Poison
The flashlight swung to Zach’s face before taking a measured swing through the cab of the truck. Thankful she had managed to zip Zach’s jeans, Bea dared not check to see if Chris’ appearance had any impact on Zach’s ardor.
Chris shined the light on her. “Okay, I’ll wait. Glad you’re okay, Bea.”
“Thanks for checking on us, Chris.”
He tapped the door twice. “That’s my job.”
As Chris moved back to his patrol car, Zach put the window up. “Ex-lover?” His tone was colder than the black ice they’d skidded across.
Bea pulled away and glared at him. “No. He would like to be, but I’ve been turning him down as far back as high school.”
Zach faced her, his voice anything but contrite. “I’m sorry. It’s none of my business.”
She peered at him, but his eyes were in shadow thanks to the bright police car lights. She wished she knew what he thought. “That’s true, but I’ll forgive you this time. Next time, I won’t be so easy.”
Zach didn’t react. He just put the truck into four-wheel drive. The vehicle crawled onto the road, fishtailing as he coaxed it toward the dry asphalt. Finally, the tires found traction.
He brought the window down as he pulled next to Chris’ patrol car. “Thanks. Looks like we’re good.”
Chris nodded and opened his mouth to speak, but Zach waved and hit the gas.
Bea relaxed against the seat. “Wow, that was close.”
Zach’s jaw was rigid as he remained silent. Was he angry or horny?
She glanced at his lap and her cheeks warmed. She had loved sucking on his cock before Chris arrived. 

“I’m glad you saw him pull up. That could have been embarrassing.”
He turned, his gaze raking over her in the dim light of the interior.
Her breath caught. Horny. He was definitely horny. She laid her hand on his thigh.
The muscle under her hand tensed, but he didn’t speak. At the intersection, he turned and passed the Wrenborough Depot.
She watched the building go by and dared a peek. “Zach?” She couldn’t help the meekness of her voice. “My car is back there.”
His jaw moved, barely. “Yeah, I know.”
She studied his profile. “Then how am I going to get it?”
His hands opened and closed around the steering wheel. “You’re not. We’re going to your place so we can finish what we started. It’s closer.”
At his words, erotic tingles slithered across her skin and the imp in her moved her hand to slide between his legs. “How do you know it’s closer?”
His voice was tight. “It’s in Meriden, right, not far from the inns?”
“Yes.” Wow, good memory.
He pierced her with a possessive look. “Or if you like, I can pull down the next dirt road and we can do this in my truck.”
Her heart sped up to meet the heat of her flesh. He seemed ready to jump her and in a way she wanted him to, but she’d already seen where that got her. “No, my place is fine.”
He brought his attention back to the road. “Then you better remove your hand.”

Blurb of Passion’s Poison

Beatrice Rappaccini is tired of the one-night stands that keep her alive. Tired of the illness she causes when she releases her sexual poisons into her partners. But when she meets Zach Woodman, everything changes. Desperate for what she can’t have, she puts her heart and life on the line, ignoring the anonymous letters warning her to stay away from Zach.

Zach Woodman, logger turned chainsaw artist, has the perfect life, but no one to share it with after the deaths of the women he loved. Fascinated by the sexually experienced yet naïve Bea, he promises himself he will end their hot relationship before fate takes another beautiful woman from the world.

But he discovers Bea has no idea how to have a relationship, and he is perplexed by her strange behavior, hippie mother, six fathers and her request to give him every man’s sex fantasy. It is only when he might lose her that he realizes he must make a decision that will break his heart either way.

Passion’s Poison is available in electronic formats:

For more information about Lexi Post:


Shelley Munro said...

I just love your cover, Lexi. It really draws the eye. I've never heard of the short story you mention though.

Lexi Post said...

Hi Shelley, it all depends on who you had for a high school English teacher. Some teachers assign this story and others assign "Young Goodman Brown" or "The Minister's Black Veil." If you want to read this story, I have it posted on my site :-)

Michelle V said...

I think I'm half in love with Zach already and haven't read the book yet! lol ;) I cannot wait to read this book!

Lexi Post said...

I definitely fell for Zach, Michelle. We may very well have the same taste in men ;-)

Christina Phillips said...

Shelley, it is a very eye catching cover. I love it!

Christina Phillips said...

Lexi, I must admit I hadn't heard of these short stories either. Maybe it's because I went to high school in the UK? I'm going to check them out on your site!

Christina Phillips said...

Michelle, Zack sounds absolutely gorgeous! I'm looking forward to finding out more about him :-)

Joseph Hawkshaw said...

Cover looks awesome no my type would be a female actor.

Lexi Post said...

Well Joe, Zach actually sketches Bea in the book. She's pretty hot too ;-)

Unknown said...

Zach looks and sounds like he would be my type, well, except for his fiance's dying in freak accidents! He sort of reminds me of my fiance'. ;)

Anonymous said...

Zach sounds like my type. Thanks for the giveaway.

Lexi Post said...

Kimberly,you lucky girl!

Lexi Post said...

Good luck, Victoria :-)

Unknown said...

Absolutely awesome cover, Lexi! He can make sure I don't get frostbite any day. And I love his profession! I'd wish you luck with your book but I don't think you need it ...