So, while I was supposed to be writing this afternoon I decided to have a little wander around the Internet (as you do!) Wow am I glad I did! I discovered that both Forbidden and Captive are now for sale in Australia as from 7th April! The last time I looked both were slated for a 2nd May release. I'm almost beside myself with excitement at the thought of seeing my books on local bookshelves - although given the fact they are erotic romances, perhaps they won't be in Big W or Kmart? But still!!
It's doubly exciting as this month is Aussie Author Appreciation April over at Fangbooks where heaps of fantastic paranormal, fantasy, UF and sci-fi Aussie authors are being showcased.
Time for a celebratory glass of wine, I think!!!

Huge congrats Christina. What a buzz... I'll certainly keep a lookout when I'm shopping in Perth :)
Thanks, Rach!! Please let me know if you if you do spot any!!
Woot!!!!! I'm so going book spotting tomorrow in Napier!!!!!!!!
Thanks, Amanda!!!
Yay, go the Forbidden series. :) Congrats, Christina.
This is awesome Christina. Congratulations. I'll let you know if I come across any. Yah!!! :)
Thanks so much, Suz!!
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