Here I am with the gorgeous Erica Hayes (who writes the darkly erotic Shadowfae series). Erica brought me back a copy of the Romantic Times BOOK Reviews magazine from Orlando so I could see the write-up for Forbidden myself!!!
The lovely Tracey O'Hara won the R*BY Award for her awesome debut novel, Night's Cold Kiss. Here we are at the Friday night cocktail party. She also gave me a promo pep-talk which I will do my best to follow :-)
On Saturday night before we went down to the Awards dinner, we had drinks in our room. Here I am with the completely amazing Silhouette Desire author, Rachel Bailey. It was so nice to meet up again after three years!
I was so excited to meet up with Samhain and Carina Press author Cathryn Brunet! It was only brief, unfortunately, but we'll make up for it next year in Melbourne!!!
Here's the wonderful Robyn Grady, Silhouette Desire and Modern Heat author extraordinaire! We've known each other for sooo long, but this was the first time we'd ever met face-to face, so that was pretty special!
I'm not sure what happened to the camera here (I blame the photographer who'd indulged in a few too many wines!!!) (nothing to do with me, of course!!!) But here is the lovely Anna Campbell, who writes dark Regency noir for Avon! It must be six years since we'd last met back in the UK at their Romantic Novelists Association conference. How time flies!!!
Late Sunday afternoon we wandered down to the fabulous beach. And here, as you can see, are my two sedate CPs, Puffin author Amanda Ashby and Flux author Sara Hantz.
If the weekend wasn't exciting enough, this afternoon I had my very first FedEx delivery of an early copy of my new baby!!! OMG. It's so shiny and pretty, and the font has been changed for my name and looks completely awesome!!! And my husband is actaully reading the book!!!
Looks like you had a fantastic time!
Fab pics!
I love the photos, Christina! Especially the last one of you holding your book - that's such a keeper and a memorable moment.
The RWOz conference was excellent - Debra Dixon's full day workshop on GMC had some great tips on working on your characters and their descriptions (dominant impressions), Erica Hayes' writing synopses was a great, straigh-forward guide for anyone who struggles with this, and who can forget the fabulous Silver Auction with all those incredible prizes? I think about $10 000 was raised!!! Huge effort.
Can't wait to read your book, Christina, and catch up with you when you visit my blog August 28th! (psst, free copy of FORBIDDEN up for grabs then too!) - Sorry, couldn't help the cross-promo. :-D
Wah - I want to do a rewind and go back to the conference. It was nice to be home for a day but now I'm over it and want some more (very sedate) fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Great photos, Christina!
But the very best is of you holding Forbidden. What a moment to treasure.
I'm so thrilled for you!
And while I'm here, HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!
I wish I was back there too!!!
Catherine, I had the best time! It was exhausting but so much fun!
Nell, I remembered to use the camera this year!
Kylie, Deb Dixon is incredible, I loved her workshops. And yes, the Silver Auction was completely amazing. I'm looking forward to visiting your blog on 28th!!! And I love cross-promo!!!!!
Hey, Amanda, sedate CP!!! If this year is anything to go by, we'll be packing for Melb in about six weeks time!!!
Cathryn, thank you!!!! This entire week has been a non-stop rollercoaster!!!
Sara, me too!!!
It looks like you had a blast!! I think there are some authors i have not heard of i will check into. It is jsut so cool to meet the author's who work hard to make the best books out there! The picture of you holding the book is awesome! you should definitly do a picture holding doing a rock hand sign!
Awesome pics, Christina, especially the one of you holding Forbidden! How wonderful. :) Glad you had a great time!
Love the photos, so much clearer than mine.
It was such fun, wasn't it Christina. Talk soon,
Suzanne :)
Christina it was fabulous meeting you in person!!!!
Love the photos. I still have yet to upload mine to my Mac.
And yes I can see Amanda and Sara are very sedate CPs indeed.
Glad you enjoyed your time and hope to catch up in the near future at another conference :)
silly me forgot to say - that photo of you and your book is so fantastic!!!! Enjoy!!!!
Hey, there's a picture of me :)
Lovely pics, Christina! I think everyone had a great time. And isn't it lovely to get your very own shiny book in the mail...
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