Today I'm interviewing the very lovely and patient Susan Macatee, whose time travel romance, Erin's Rebel, has just been released by The Wild Rose Press.
For some reason blogger keeps eating Susan's interview, no matter what I try!! So please hop over to my MySpace where the interview posted no problem at all!!
Hmm, just popped over to that link, and it says the account is deleted.
Strange ways this internet at times. lol..
Hope all is well, Christina.
Oh good grief!!! I'm not having a good day here!! Thanks so much for telling me, Anonymous. Hopefully the link is now fixed!!!
The interview is back up!
I just checked it out Christina! Looks great! Thanks so much for having me!
Wanted to add when I read the answer to that last question, I realized I should have updated. Confederate Rose will be a September TWRP release and my short Civil War ghost story will be coming out the end of this month in the TWRP Northern Roses and Southern Belles anthology.
I also sold that vampire story. It has a November release, also with TRWP.
Yaay, I'm sorry for the technical difficulties, except I'm really not sorry at all since I had no time yesterday to get to any of the blogs, and today I do!
Great interview, Susan. I've read parts of some versions of all of the stories you mentioned, and I have to say that the knowledge re-enacting gave you of the Civil War period shines through on every page.
But you forgot to mention organization along with sheer determination. Susan is one of the most organized people I *know*. That's how she knows how many months it was between the request and the rejection, etc. Me, I'd just say "it seemed like forever" because I'd have no idea.
Thanks, Jennifer! I decided long ago that I had to keep track of every little thing if I expected to accomplish anything. And having read my reply written probably six months ago for Christina, I realized how much more I've accomplished since finishing up Erin's Rebel. I think my release date was set about six months ahead. Not a long time, but it seemed like an eternity to me then.
Hi Susan. I'm not sick of you at all. :) Wonderful book, lovely author.
Thanks, Beth!
Hi Susan and Christina,
I popped on over and had a read. I love books (well movies) about the civil war (americian) Now with the two combined this should be a great read. Ghosts.. woo hoo!
All the best Susan,
Sounds like your so busy like us all. lol...
Suz :)
I enjoyed the interview, Susan. I think I'm stalking you around the web at the moment. :)
Hi, Suzanne and Shelly, thanks for stopping by!
And yes, I seem to be all over the web and still have two more interviews scheduled for next week.
Again, Congrats Susan! This sounds like a really good book. Will surely read it soon!
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