Monday, August 11, 2008

Countdown...Two Days

Only two days to go until I'm on my way to New Zealand! There's only one direct flight a day from WA to NZ which is the reason why I'm landing in Auckland at the ungodly hour of 5.45am Thursday morning. Urgh. I really hope the hotel has our room ready early for me, since all I'll want to do when I arrive is collapse!

Just to make things more interesting, daughter #2 was ill with tonsilitis last week. Being a good kind mama, I told her to keep away from me as I didn't want to catch her germs. heh heh. She retaliated by passing it onto her brother. So I now have my son off school with tonsilitis and another associated throat infection, both offspring on antibiotics and I, of course, feel like my eyes are filled with scratching insects and my head is throbbing. If that's not enough, eldest child is moving out tomorrow and is not best pleased that I won't be around for the rest of the week to help her move into her new place. Yes, it's all happening this week, and did I mention my husband decided to rip out the family bathroom? The house looks like a train wreck!!!


Anonymous said...

It never rains it pours! LOL
Have a great time at the NZ conference.

Helen Hardt said...

Sounds like you're ready for a break, LOL. Enjoy the conference! I can't wait to hear all about it. NZ is a place I've always wanted to visit.


Kaye Manro said...

Yes, I believe you need this break! I hope the kids are feeling better. Mom will as soon as she is pumped up at a conference! Take care and have lots of fun, make good connections, and come home happy!

Suzanne Brandyn Author said...

Suz is jumping up and down here. Please take lots of photos. It will be so exciting and have a good time. Can't wait to hear from you when you get back.


Christina Phillips said...

RC that's so true, this week is so full on my brain's gone into hiberation!

Helen, I'm definitely ready for a break, and can't wait till I don't have to cook any meals for six days!!

Kaye, thanks yes they are now. And I will definitely have lots of fun at the conference!

Suz, lol!! Yes I'll take lots of photos (with my daughter's camera!!)make sure you take lots at the Oz conference too!!

Anonymous said...

Ha! You planned your trip well. So envious. Please have a great time and don't forget the camera ;-).

Barrie said...

Have a great time in NZ!! Maybe take some pics for us? ;)

Cathryn Hein said...

Have a wonderful time in NZ, Christina, but I have to admit I'm very jealous!

Phillipa said...

Wow. You'll be there by now. Have a wonderful trip.